28K RR

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Your in-game name: George Schurr
Steam ID:

What do you need refunded: 28K

Why do you want your item(s): Basically, a guy got mugged from some people at regals after helping them. He got pissed and decided to throw a Molotov at the Regals parking. My car was parked there which then got wrecked costing an amount of 78K. I then had a chat with the guy who wrecked my car, and he realised what he did was unjustifiable. He then proceeded by giving me 50K as, and @John Daymon dealt with him. I still lost 28K from the situation.

Evidence: @John Daymon told me he would approve it. If you need any evidence i'll try and get it since I wasn't there during the situation. Although, he does admit that he threw it in OOC and I guess you could see me pay for my car too.

Tick: N/A
+ Support

Me and Jack Mormon witnessed this as he through the Molotov at me and jack for no reason.

Are car all most got destroyed but we moved it just in time.
I will approve this refund request, I do not believe any evidence other than this is needed considering the person who did it - Kamikaze Karl apologised and refunded 50k to Fasool. He's missing 28k after this situation.
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