How to act realistically in shootouts?

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I agree. Every time there is a shootout in bazaar, people just stare at the gun fight.
Their intentions are pretty clear, it's because they want to nick the guns.
3.4 should be enforced more in gunfights.
Yea, it's hilarious to see people just stare at a gunfight close range and laugh at it and then when they got shot in crossfire they complain in OOC. It's pretty stupid what most people do, and as a cop it's annoying to have to be distracted by people in a shootout because they are right on the outside and you don't know if they are armed or not or what they are gonna try and pull off.

Oh and the geniouses that think they can run in and steal a gun and run off un-noticed, those guys are great. Mostly they get reported by someone anyway but on most occasions I've seen the gun have to be removed entirely because the situation 'could've ended differently'.

But I'd still prefer to see the rule be enforced more purely because of the minges who find it fun to just stare at a gunfight and then try to scavenge the guns.
I completely agree with this, more often than not during a shootout players will just hang around without a care in the world trying to find any stray guns. Now obviously from referring to 3.4 is it obvious that such actions aren't acceptable as there is always a possibility of stray bullets and flankers.

Is it being enforced?

It's difficult. Players need to bare in mind that situations like these often involve around 12-20 players at one time, and simply picking up every single one of them onto a roof to deal with them can be difficult in some instances.

Overall I will tell you that we will start to crack down on these types of players, and to anyone doing this I urge you to stop as you're risking being punished for such things. All in all just ask yourself, is your life worth a 16K gun?
I certainly agree and I think there are lots of other situations where this could also apply, one of my most hated is people not moving out the way for emergency vehicles.
I guess a lot of the time people will want to just grab the guns but then sometimes people just don't feel the need to have to escape as they don't fear losing anything or feel involved but it should definitely be more enforced.
I agree, like Tyla I also have 2 things like this,

One being today in bazzar a certain member of the community which I will not mention, kept going past police barriers to where a fire was no more than a couple of centemeteres away, or the other day a fireman just walked in to a big fire and didn't give two 16K guns.
I 100% agree with this. If I hear shooting at bazaar , especially a lot of shootings , I would run to my car and try to escape the scene while dialing 911. Most of the time, I just see all the people be like "Oh gun shots!" and then all of them run to see them, which actually pisses me off because I also saw loads of people run into Regals while there's a shootout, So im a firefighter, I arrive on the scene to provide medical attention, my firetruck is parked with its side to Regals so it can provide cover to me and to anyone else, then half of the police force dies from a sniper, couple of civilians down too.. AND GUESS WHAT?! Yeah! That's right! 2 People just run from CH to the parking lot and just stand in the middle of nowhere, they have no cover, they ignore my orders to get behind my truck while the sniper is literally shooting my truck and stuff.. They don't give a fuck and then one of them dies like seriously... Gunshots are supposed to scare people, not to bait them.
Just to confirm this has been a topic discussed in the past
It has been enforced by myself and a lot of other staff members,

Some punishments have been included which you may not have witness for their natute, such as;

Slaying the player.
Written warnings.
Verbal warnings

Just a heads up, this is probably going to be a lot more enforced so I advise everyone to use caution.

Tldr - don't stand around watching gunfights and trying to take guns.
I certainly agree and I think there are lots of other situations where this could also apply, one of my most hated is people not moving out the way for emergency vehicles.

Intentionally doing this is 3.4 and 2.1
The biggest 3.4 i see on the server is not the minges going around in crimescenes trying to find random gats its actually the police force. During big shootouts officers with little pistols run inside death traps with their Beretta m9 with the sole reason to hopefully get that lucky headshot to take down a suspect. Because in their eyes they have nothing to lose as after 5 min you get re spawned back with a weapon.

When i see things go south as a cop i pull back and get the fuck outa there, then regroup and launch a full assault onto the property. This way it doesn't end up into a endless assault where one cop goes into there every one min and dies like a moron. 3.6 is ignored by default when someone is playing as a cop these days it seems.
It's getting to the point where, people are just being idiotic, running around unarmed in gun fights, just get shot. Just now, we did a big shoot out again the cops and this women was literally running around the officer who I shot at, knocking on our door, getting between our crossfire. That's the worst type of 3.4 in my eyes. Another situation which occured at this time, was some guys were just sitting in their car watching us, not even considering to drive off.
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Yeah and I forgot to mention the fact that if S.W.A.T responds, people should already be out of scene and not just ignore the gunshots because if freaking S.W.A.T gets called it means that SHTF and the people should instantly put their hands up and not keep talking while we are pointing guns at them.
Our community and the server in general has this massive amount of resistance towards basic roleplay, there's a handful of people who actually are dedicated towards developing roleplay scenarios and creating an immersion of what this server is supposed to be about.

I can't sit here and slag everyone off though, myself and a bunch of you guys have all experienced good roleplay from time to time - We just lack consistency. Moving to the point of the OP's thread, 3.4 - This is a massively misunderstood and extended rule which people seem to bend to their own.

3.4 isn't just for gunpoint, it's simply the basis of roleplay - It's the threat of your life whilst in a roleplay server, which emulates real life to a certain extent. @Jordan raised a point the other day, about how we've all become so sustained within PERPheads and don't have any risk for life, and we know what's going to happen within a situation prior to it actually taking place.

If we acted like we would in a realistic situation, the server could be in a much better place. People are still killing others because they lost a gun, people are still starting cop chases over a ticket, people are still not valuing their roleplay life.

Ask yourself, how long have you gone without dying in PERPheads?
Did you really value your last roleplay life?

I tell you, being on duty as an officer, and attempting to clear any more than twenty cubic centimetres of space from bazaar is nightmarish. People wander around like fucking idiots hoping to nick whatever shit you bring out eventually. If you're conducting a raid, or a felony arrest, chances are more people are going to show up to watch, for the same sodding reason.

I think there are ways to fix it personally. Re-doing the officer confiscation system would be nice. Making it so an officer can actually hold something as evidence as opposed to immediately grinding it into cash. It's stupid how it is at the moment.

+support adds realistic
This is still quite a problem, especially at Bazaar where people think they are immune to bullets when standing infront of their shop watching a shoout. If you're not involved just get the fuck away or go inside the back of your shop instead of sitting there and then crying for a bandage when you get shot in crossfire because you're being a pillock. It's honestly one of the most cancerous things on this server and I don't understand how people haven't learnt to just run away, even if it's your organization, if you're unarmed just leave.
Before you attempt to pick-up a weapon during or after a firefight... imagine in real life walking into a crime scene with a bunch of cops that just shot one or more persons... and you pick up a weapon in front of them, now you tell me what's going to happen.

If you answered: you get shot, then you are correct! Not only are you tampering with evidence, but you also pose a threat to all emergency personel and civilians on the scene because you are now walking around with a potentially loaded firearm on an active crime scene.

It's great to see the staff team finally cracking down on the people acting unrealistically and endangering their lifes unneedlessly around shootouts.

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