3.4 + toxic af???

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name:
HarleyFkingMack/ Harley Mack
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kempotent/ idk tony something
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137767844
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player decided to kill me under gp after been afk and started to insult me for no reason, toxic much???? When he came back I interacted with him but he seems to ignore me.
Evidence (Demo Required): See video + conversation.
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: Ok?/?
[LOOC] Kempotent: what?
[LOOC] Kempotent: i didnt see a gun just my drugs taken
[OOC] Kempotent: What
[OOC] Kempotent: lol your a dumb ass
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: me ?
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: M8 i was gping u for 2 min
[OOC] Kempotent: yeah, you could of killed me and got a fully modded m4
[OOC] Kempotent: exactly, dumb
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: Ur not a threat
[OOC] Kalifa: i bet if he woudlve killed u, u would start xrying
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: cant kill you
[OOC] Kempotent: no, if someone is afk in a apt you can kill them
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: Np i will report u den
[OOC] Kempotent: okay go ahead
[OOC] Harleyfkingmack: Doesnt matter
[OOC] Kalifa: where in the rules does it say that
Screenshot Requested
[OOC] Kempotent: its common sense
[OOC] Dangerino: what does gping mean ?????????????????????
[LOOC] Kempotent: your clearly too spasticated to understand so dw
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I was AFK, when i came back all i saw was my leaves taken so i got my m4 out turned and shot you, i didnt see your gun when i tabbed in.

Also you could of just shot me for being AFK. And the only thing you was saying to me was "hey" "yo" not put your hands up or anything
He clearly knew I was next to him, you can see because of the way he acted???
Pretty sure your first reaction when someone is behind you in your house wouldnt be to instantly shoot him lol (in RL)
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@Kempotent Whereas you didn't violate any rules for being idle and did not see Harley or his gun, the steps you took to ensure your safety weren't sufficient. As soon as you noticed the drugs missing and a random player saying "hey" in your apartment, your approach should have been a lot more cautious.

That being said, players should typically not attempt to roleplay with players that are AFK. No formal action will be taken but I would ask you @Kempotent to return the Beretta to him (or a Staff Member so we can return it).

Reviewed with @McGlinchy
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