Police Suggestion A few minor police changes

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Spike Strips - Change to Despawn
Brief description of idea:
Make it so that spike strips only despawn when:
  • The officer that placed them has died, resigned, or left the server.
  • The officer that placed them is more than 20 meters away and 60 seconds have elapsed.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Spike strips only despawn to prevent them from becoming an unnecessary hurdle and pain for road users - for example when an officer places them to stop a pursuit but leaves them in the road. However, when the officer stays within 20 meters of the spikes without removing them, they've clearly been placed for a reason. Despite this, they despawn after 5 minutes and force you to put them down again. This is especially annoying when holding a perimiter or the like, as it means you have to re-equip and replace the roadspikes constantly, and often a vehicle waiting outside the cordon will simply sneak through when they despawn.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- None. They still despawn if they're not picked up uninentionally.

'Busy' indicator on Police Computer
Brief description of idea: Have an indicator (preferably a 'Busy' or a red marking) on an officer's 'employees' icon to indicate that they have assigned their unit as busy.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Lets other officers know when you are otherwise busy (e.g. NLR, admin sit, busy with incident, etc.)

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- None

Other additions: Perhaps add the same but in yellow to indicate that they are assigned to an incident? Basically mimic the Dispatch UI.

Remove Medical Expenses
Brief description of idea: Officers get coverage for petrol, so they should rightly get coverage for injury expenses from injuries whilst on the job. Make it so that it does not cost any money to heal broken bones and injuries at the hospital NPC.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Officers not forced to go out of pocket for injuries sustained from their field of occupation, especially when there is no medic on.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- None, surprised this isn't already a feature

Retrieve Vehicles from City Hall
Brief description of idea: Allow officers to speak to the NPC at City Hall and retrieve police vehicles that spawn in the CH parking lot. This is to allow officers to continue normal patrol after dying within the vicinity of the PD, or during a PD raid, rather than having to wait idly at CH for five minutes.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Allows officers to continue their normal duties after respawning.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- More officers patrolling during NLR? But that's a good thing, NLR isn't supposed to prevent you from doing your job in other matters/situations.

Road Equipment Preferences
Brief description of idea: Allow officers to set their equipment preferences via the equipment NPC. Officers would be given 12 'slots' and able to fill them up with road barricades, warning barrels, or cones. This preference would then be given to the officer when they redeem road equipment from then onwards.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Makes it easier for units to get the select road equipment they need for their patrol. Some units prefer to use barricades, other don't use cones, and some would prefer more warning barrels than cones.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
Requires significant coding.
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Throw in one more... add “need medic” or similar to the quick incident thing on the police computer.

at the moment those quick incidents aren’t actually that useful
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