A late Introduction

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For the people who dont know me, My name is Yarni
a 16 year old male from Belgium who loves playing Perp
This is kinda a late introduction because i am already verry active on the server but not on the forums, And i thought this would be a great step to get more involved with the comunity! So yeah this was it. I hope u guys have a great day and hopefully i see you guys later!

ps: ignore my potato english XD
Hey, nice to see you becoming more active on the fourms. There a great place to be and if you need anything PM me or you might see me in the shout box fromtime to time.

Have a great time!
Welcome to the community, Yarni! I've seen you quite a lot in-game working for the government so now be as active on the forums as in-game to get your self known.
Hiya, welcome to perpheads, message me if you need anything or have any questions.
Welcome to the Perpheads community,i have already seen you active in-game and hope to see you even more active within our community forums.
If you have any questions or need any help feel free to contact me on the forums via PM and i will do my very best to assist you.
Hi there.
I'm Rogue
And these aren't very funny anymore.
Greetings Yarni, a 16 year old male from Belgium who loves playing PERP and possesses the English skills of a potato.

Welcome to PERPheads.