Ability for SWAT to defuse a car bomb

Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
Topic: Make SWAT able to defuse car bombs

Short explanation (in notes):
- Make SWAT able to check a car for a car bomb
- Make SWAT able to defuse the car bomb only after he checked the car for a bomb

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Its not an all day respond, but it's also not a rare respond. A possible car bomb in a vehicle. Now, you can't do anything at the moment. You can only put someone in the car and make it explode. But that is not a realistic way to "defuse" a car bomb.

Optional additions:

- Add a bomb suit for SWAT (in trunk)
It is a good idea in my opinion, although I believe it may have been suggested before, I do agree, SWAT should be able to check for a car bomb by using some kind of bomb defuse kit, I think if this were to be added, they should make it so they can check, and then defuse by holding T, and that then there would be a percentage chance of it exploding while being defused, which would make it a risky operation, and would give a better incentive to RP the situation, by having nearby officers cordoning off the area so nobody gets hurt if it does go off. I also think that SWAT should be able to plant C2 on the car if there is already a bomb, and set it off remotely, if the police officer in charge deems it too risky to attempt defusing. In conclusion:

My additional ideas:
Hold T as the Search/Defuse Button
Make it so SWAT can remote detonate the car with C2 if a bomb is already planted.
I wonder how this would work.
How do you actually manage to defuse the bomb? Is there some sort of mini-game with wires and stuff or do you just walk up to the car, press a button and suddenly you have a bombless car?
Also one of the only ways to make this work is to actually make the car bomb visible, since I dont imagine people just calling in, "hey i think theres a bomb under my car" based suspicion otherwise SWAT would basically have nothing else to due, due to people just fucking around and calling 911 knowing there isnt a bomb
@Imperial Watch Good point, however, this wouldn't be a common thing, this would be used in the scenario where some minge like Jonathon Curtis rolls up in a mini, parks it outside city hall, sets a bomb, and leaves it unlocked, waiting for some sweater to try and jump into the car and start it. If you could visually see the bomb, then nobody would bother using car bombs, as anyone would be able to see it underneath their car.
@Allen Kennedy
However the whole point a "suspicious vehicle / package" or whatever you might think of does not count on the server. People park like shit intentionally or just dont actually care, so there is no way to actually differentiate between the car with the bomb in from the car that is parked like shit just because the driver couldnt be bothered and doesnt care about a ticket. The whole point was suggesting that people litterally have no idea there is a bomb in the car, nor would they ever suspect a car to have a bomb because its very, VERY, VERY, common for people to park like they forgot what a parkinglot looks like.
Due to the very fact nobody ever knows there is a bomb until you actually turn on the ignition, the very point of a bomb defusal ability for SWAT seems unnecessary.

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