Able to see that others write to their org

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Topic: Being able to see that others write to their organization

Short explanation
(in notes):
- When typing in Organization Chat, the Player takes his phone out
- Or a automatic /me appears

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
When you are a Police officer or a hostage taker, you should be able to see
if the suspect or your hostage is writing to the organization (means if he is calling for help).
This is a big problem, because unexpected persons come to the Scene. They often use the org Chat to call for help when they are arrested or getting arrested.

Optional additions:

Please also state why you vote Yes or No
The goverment radio can be seen for others cause it's a radio, while the org chat is text and therefore you need a phone to use it.

@mcfreakkuh cause its not 'realistic' for everyone around you to see your text.
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I mean, we currently do the whole mouth moving thing. But it's the same in /gov chat, you don't take your radio out for a brief second do you? It's simply the game mechanics, and if we're going to do this.. why not re-master the entire system and actually create a system where we don't use /org and use other forms of communication where you do actually use your phone for your org chat.

This isn't really needed, let's be honest.
I really don't see the point as others have said police can also do this in /gov I don't see why we would need to add this it's pretty pointless in the fact as ayjay said in his post if they would do this they would re-master the whole system and that would take a lot of time and effort to do this.
Because the org chat is for a phone, it's a bit unrealistic for the whole world near you to see that you're talking to your org. The radio chat is a radio so therefore it is supposed to be heard by others. I don't want to be walking around talking to my org while some sneaky mean person hears every conversation I have in chat.
I concur with the others above me. Especially @Minilarro, as if you are talking to your organization your character requires the device which in this case is the mobile phone and like when talking in the government radio you pull out your walkie talkie.
If a hostage/suspect message their mates in org chat, obviously they're breaking 3.4/3.3 because they wouldn't actually do that in real life, if you're being placed under arrest you can't just go "Soz m8, gotta text me nan first" *HEY LADS GETTING ARRESTED AYY LMAO* This is basically covered by a rule, so if someone does this, they should be reported.

Org chat is by text on phone, radio chat for employees is by voice.
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