Action Request - 3.4 (Tyrone Smithers)

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Reaction score
Leeds, England.
Your Steam/In-game Name: AyJay
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ricox
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:16931535

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Pretty much the nature of the situation was we were going down to the jail cells to break out @Alex_:D from jail, we passed this officer on the stairway and pointed a gun at him and said around six times "get on the ground" - He not only pulled out his gun under gunpoint, he even spoke on the radio requesting backup. The fear of his life was absolutely not taken into consideration, proven by the fact that he died by me shooting at him after pulling his gun.

Evidence (Demo Required):

The demo can be requested, but I have uploaded a video of the entire situation. Feel free to ask me for the demo, but my internet just breaks when I try upload them.
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Your Steam/In-game Name: AyJay
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: </samuel>
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42929463

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Pretty much the nature of the situation was we were going down to the jail cells to break out @Alex_:D from jail, we passed this officer on the stairway and pointed a gun at him and said around six times "get on the ground" - He not only pulled out his gun under gunpoint, he even spoke on the radio requesting backup. The fear of his life was absolutely not taken into consideration, proven by the fact that he died by me shooting at him after pulling his gun.

Evidence (Demo Required):

The demo can be requested, but I have uploaded a video of the entire situation. Feel free to ask me for the demo, but my internet just breaks when I try upload them.

That was not me AyJay, i was in the jail at that time, if you look at the vid or my image you see that the police officers name is "Tyrone Smithers" (something like that)
Are you sure tyrone smithers is Samuel since he was typing in LOOC before he died?

Edit: samuel was faster than me
That was a pretty dank jump off the stairs.

Seriously though, you had your gun pointing directly at him well before he even pulled his gun out. To make matters worse, he decides to call for backup under gunpoint, ruining the situation for you and your friend!

Sorry about that lads, I had a conversation with Samuel during the sit at the jail cells and I got a bit confused.
The request still stands, however on a different person (Tyrone Smithers) sorry about that @Samuel Sheppard
My fault, nothing much I can say in defense other than give my point of view.

There was lots of chatter and I was rushing to the call of someone breaking into PD (all that while having enormously low FPS). I turned the corner, got confused and quickly started calling for backup while trying to get my gun (there was still some distance and I didn't hear any orders from your side until I started speaking). You were shouting over the mic for me to drop my gun, I was not firing my gun and, since I had understood I should not have it out since you aimed at me first, I was trying to switch it out (pressed number 5 for fists), but you started firing as I was doing that (not sure if I managed to get it to passive stance, can't recall now as I was juggling between keyboard buttons) and I was scrambling to fire back (the weapon wheel was open and that's why there was a delay in firing, I suspect I must have managed to get to passive stance since it took me several clicks until I could fire back, but it was probably due to the FPS lag delay).

I accept any punishment if it comes, but I believe it's my first violation of rules here and in the confusion of the situation I made a mistake. Apologies. Don't think anyone was hurt over this and I was about to surrender, although the backup call should have not happened.
My fault, nothing much I can say in defense other than give my point of view.

There was lots of chatter and I was rushing to the call of someone breaking into PD (all that while having enormously low FPS). I turned the corner, got confused and quickly started calling for backup while trying to get my gun (there was still some distance and I didn't hear any orders from your side until I started speaking). You were shouting over the mic for me to drop my gun, I was not firing my gun and, since I had understood I should not have it out since you aimed at me first, I was trying to switch it out (pressed number 5 for fists), but you started firing as I was doing that (not sure if I managed to get it to passive stance, can't recall now as I was juggling between keyboard buttons) and I was scrambling to fire back (the weapon wheel was open and that's why there was a delay in firing, I suspect I must have managed to get to passive stance since it took me several clicks until I could fire back, but it was probably due to the FPS lag delay).

I accept any punishment if it comes, but I believe it's my first violation of rules here and in the confusion of the situation I made a mistake. Apologies. Don't think anyone was hurt over this and I was about to surrender, although the backup call should have not happened.

I actually read this and thought "he's actually a decent guy"
then you say this in game:

[LOOC] Ricox: tired of all the crybabies here I'm just playing to have fucking fun fuck off already & QQ all you want
I actually read this and thought "he's actually a decent guy"
then you say this in game:

Yes, people can be angered when a 10 year old drives up to them and starts insulting, harassing them and a 10-15 minute incident is started and, during all that, you and your friend run into it to start making accusations at me irrelevant to the incident (completely OOC, like the IC chatter, annoyance & insults (and the bloody god damned police radio that I wish I could actually toggle) from a child were not enough) and basically dog piling on me.

I apologize if the statement offended you, but had I be given a second chance to go through the incident I would write the exact same sentence. I am not going to be pretend to be nice to people that seem to be purposely attempting to provoke and disrespect me (which you had already done earlier in the OOC chat from what I recall).

The initial reply to this thread was sincere. And so was me telling your friend to fuck off after he blatantly began provoking and harassing me. Thanks.

Have a nice day.
[DOUBLEPOST=1440260765,1440259888][/DOUBLEPOST](crybabies statement was a reference to the 10 year old who couldn't stop complaining in an annoying voice every 5 seconds and to whoever was the person that instantly brought up, in an IC situation, statements about me being a rulebreaker or something of the sort (I don't recall the details, sorry) and referencing the report like I didn't already know about it, gets annoying when you're trying to deal with one thing and have everything being piled on at once regardless of irrelevance and that being even done in a harassing manner)

I am ready for whatever punishment comes for the offenses I've committed and will avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.
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'He was a proper fail he was' MagicalSmile 2k15. This caused me to have to stay in jail for a whole 7 years!! and really effected the RP that would have happened in the jail cell with the other cops.
'He was a proper fail he was' MagicalSmile 2k15. This caused me to have to stay in jail for a whole 7 years!! and really effected the RP that would have happened in the jail cell with the other cops.

What..? You do realize that there was a 911 call about you guys raiding the PD and the radio chatter I was hearing was because of that? Backup would have, at least in some capacity, arrived either way. Of course I'm not using it to justify my actions, as I was in the wrong and already stated so, but this post seems pretty pointless.

EDIT: Just looked at the video and yeah, I did manage to get the gun in a passive stance after noticing I was in the wrong. Apologies again.

EDIT2: Holy fuck my voice and accent sound absolutely fucking horrendous.
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+Support This officer I have seen before infact I have demoted this officer for many reasons ayjay has seen what had happened and so on. Also the evidence is there that he did pull his gun out and then back down the stairs while calling for backup but as well as that he must like to break some rules and laws so this is the reason why I am supporting this.

User will be warned for breaking 3.4 and 3.6​
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