Action Request (AceAb0)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Juzz
Your Roleplay Name: Kevin Jakobsen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63148949

Player's Steam Name: AceAb0
Player's Roleplay Name: Ace Abo
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547545090

Why should this player be punished?: Dude made a hit on me for a while ago, he hasnt changeeed his mind on why he hatees me. He killled me infront of everyone in bazar, for no reason. He after said he wanted to give it back in ooc. I dont see the reason he is on a killingspree.

Evidence Link:
Contact me on discord if you want more information.
Discord: juzzdk
i thought u were som1 els
I have been in city for decades, with same identity and clothes. I was standing still U had a chance to rethink the situation and not to kill at bazar, I got banned for 2 months because of my bad behavior when someone piss on me. I dont know if you are taking the piss right now or not, because u are a sneaky one when it comes to answers.
bro there was a dude wearing almost the same clothes that tried to mug me/ gunpointed me, i know it is my mistake come ingame i make it up to you

@AceAb0 did in fact break rule 2.5 however, this was a genuine mistake on his part and he is aware he needs to be more careful next time. He made a report in-game asking staff to get in contact with you so he could refund your items as he was apologetic and realised straight away he had made a mistake. Unfortunately, you had left the server so this was not possible. I'm not going to punish him on this basis and I would like you to work with him so he can refund your items since he is willing to do this. If he fails to refund you or makes no attempt then feel free to PM me so I can help resolve this
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