Action Request (benosama)

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Reaction score
Crota's throne world
Your Steam Name: SomeUser
Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935

Player's Steam Name: benosama
Player's Roleplay Name: osama keethrow
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524737190

Why should this player be punished?: I think this person was metagaming with his friend, so there was 2 people involved one that tried to break someone out and this guy I arrested, this person not only did NOT yell 10, they where not even aware they where being arrested, which then led me me putting them down like a rabid dog, the person did not verify what they where going in for at the very least so they could not have known without communicating externally in that case, It could be a major coincidence but nothing strikes me or the other officer as it feeling off

Evidence Link: Is when we arrested the guy, he had no idea what he was going in for when we had DNA for murder, (The suspect we jailed) there was nobody around so they could not have shouted anything and the only person that was a new player looking at an officer Is when we arrested the guy, he had no idea what he was going in for when we had DNA for murder, (The suspect we jailed) there was nobody around so they could not have shouted anything and the only person that was a new player looking at an officer
Involved - This is my point of view, given that the person being arrested was a bit unaware(or at least it seemed so) what they're being arrested for, it seems a bit odd that the other guy knew that they're going in for 7+ years. Perhaps they were hedging their bets that it was indeed 7+ years or there's something else at play.

User involved within this action request has been permanently banned for a different situation.
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