Action Request (BigBoyBazza123, MonkeyDealer)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Locksmith/Jack Locks
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Locks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183399913

Player's Steam Name: BigBoyBazza123, MonkeyDealer
Player's Roleplay Name: Unknown, Unknown
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:553803606| STEAM_0:0:47588228
Why should this player be punished?: This player attempted to flank my raid at Projex apartments while there was clearly cops still on scene and attempted to kill me, which led to his death by myself, Using Demo ESP you can clearly see the cops behind there cars are still alive and there is even one in the parking lot with him as he did this. The other player in this Action request stuck around an area of a shootout for a long while even after i had given him ample time to leave(Which is me going up towards gas station to clear it and the rest of harbour, at which he had an oppurtunity to leave) After gunpointing him and telling him to leave, he then runs me over and attempts to kill me with his desert eagle, which causes me to kill him.

Evidence Link: |
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Forum Account: No forum account
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:553803606

Forum Account: No forum account
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47588228
And what exactly did i do wrong?
You sat between a shootout between cops and myself for a long period of time, then when gunpointed to leave you risked your life in an attempt to kill me with your vehicle that got you killed therefore breaking 3.4.You had chances to leave for example when I ran up to clear the bazaar gas station you could of easily left.
And what exactly did i do wrong?
You sat in your car in the middle of a shootout, showing no regard for your life. You never attempted to leave the area at all. You then decided after being gunpointed and told to leave the area, to run over one of the gunman and pull a handgun, shooting him. This resulted in your death.

Make an attempt to justify your actions.
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From the evidence provided it is clear that both people in question have broken rules, the breakdown as follows.

@Monkeydealer stayed within the area of an active shootout, showing zero regard for his safety, after being gun pointed and told to leave performed an ill conceived counter to the raid, resulting in his death by being out maned and out gunned.

Rules Broken:
- Player hung around in an active shootout, showing little regard for his life.
3.6 - Player performed an ill conceived counter to an on going raid, resulting in his death through putting himself at unneeded risk after a prolonged delay to leave the area.

Player will receive a ban of THREE DAYS for his actions due to a recent ban.


BigBoyBazza123 attempted to counter a raid single handed in the presence of three officers showing low regard for his life, ultimately resulting in his quick death by the raiders.

Rules Broken:
- Player attempted to counter a raid with three officers behind him, within visual and shooting range, resulting in his death.

Due to the large amount of punishments received in the last two months, BigBoyBazza123 current five ban will be extended to TWO WEEKS.
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