Action Request (Biggo)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Jane The Dumptruck
Your Roleplay Name: Mortimer Blackwell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:463830675

Player's Steam Name: Biggo
Player's Roleplay Name: Riley Boston
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547475683

Why should this player be punished?I just want to preface this by saying I wasn't originally going to make a report on this as I did not lose anything. However, the player has opened an IA on me, and am making this AR mostly for evidence for my case. I believe this player should be punished as he has broken 2.5 (killing me just out of spite) and 3.4 catching a murder charge over a 1k ticket. Here is a link to an extended clip of the situation:

Evidence Link:
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Evening Sean, this doesn’t explain the whole situation. The reason he was killed by me was due to constant harassment every time he encountered me (which is why the IA is pending), this was brought to Nate’s attention which he made an f6 with me and I concluded that the reason for killing was constant 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4. For example I simply stated that he should probably go and do his job in return he responded with “go suck my cock bro” (while on duty) and various other harassing and annoying verbal communications. Also it was not just this ticket as prior he had confiscated a pistol of mine (12k) when I was messing about with another staff member simply for reloading my pistol, he did not directly confiscate the weapon but gun pointed me and cuffed me while his partner (same unit) confiscated the weapon. However he was also following me throughout bazaar and parking giving me about 3 tickets wherever he saw fit out of pure spite. Like I say, Nate did speak to me and said that it wasn’t the best choice for me to kill him and should have just made an IA which I did, he verbally warned me and told me not to let it happen again. I’m happy to follow up this reply with the videos and picture I have of him harassing me if needed.

Riley B.
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I would just like to say I wasn't the person who confiscated your gun. No f6 was made on me in-game (or at least I didn't get a notification of one). I didn't give you 3 tickets (only one) and all the insults I made against you were in a later life. I am absolutely happy to be demo requested to confirm all of this.
I would just like to say I wasn't the person who confiscated your gun. No f6 was made on me in-game (or at least I didn't get a notification of one). I didn't give you 3 tickets (only one) and all the insults I made against you were in later life. I am absolutely happy to be demo requested to confirm all of this.
The later life I was still alive in, I did not die between or after this whole incident, and I corrected the confiscation situation and you did give me more than 1 ticket yes. Again I can provide countless clips and pictures of the words and language you stated towards me
The later life I was still alive in, I did not die between or after this whole incident, and I corrected the confiscation situation and you did give me more than 1 ticket yes. Again I can provide countless clips and pictures of the words and language you stated towards me
My point being was that you shot me before I made any insults all of the insults are after I respawned so as for the insults being a reason for the shooting is wrong. I didn't take your gun and I only gave you 1 ticket like I said I am happy to be demo requested or I can upload my demo if told which one it is.
My point being was that you shot me before I made any insults all of the insults are after I respawned so as for the insults being a reason for the shooting is wrong. I didn't take your gun and I only gave you 1 ticket like I said I am happy to be demo requested or I can upload my demo if told which one it is.
That is also wrong. You had been harassing me for quite some time before I did kill you, and please reread my first message as I have edited it
My point being was that you shot me before I made any insults all of the insults are after I respawned so as for the insults being a reason for the shooting is wrong. I didn't take your gun and I only gave you 1 ticket like I said I am happy to be demo requested or I can upload my demo if told which one it is.
So would this be you remembering previous lives?
That is also wrong. You had been harassing me for quite some time before I did kill you, and please reread my first message as I have edited it
I think you are conflating with me with another officer. I arrived on seen after you had been cuffed for an apparent bomb threat. I asked the officer what you said exactly and she said that you had warned her not to turn your car on and since that isn't exactly a bomb threat I let you go. Me and Simon then made another arrest (which you see in the clip the person is in the back of the car) and you started punching the car. You were warned repeatedly to stop but you didn't so I ticketed you and then you blasted me. All of this can be shown if you demo request either of us, the shooting took place a long time before any insults were made by me.
I think you are conflating with me with another officer. I arrived on seen after you had been cuffed for an apparent bomb threat. I asked the officer what you said exactly and she said that you had warned her not to turn your car on and since that isn't exactly a bomb threat I let you go. Me and Simon then made another arrest (which you see in the clip the person is in the back of the car) and you started punching the car. You were warned repeatedly to stop but you didn't so I ticketed you and then you blasted me. All of this can be shown if you demo request either of us the shooting took place a long time before any insults were made by me.
Again, I am not confusing you with another officer. If things were how you are stating them right now. I believe Nate would have already dealt with it, we can keep going back and forth or let Sean deal with this

Riley B.
Again, I am not confusing you with another officer. If things were how you are stating them right now. I believe Nate would have already dealt with it, we can keep going back and forth or let Sean deal with this

Riley B.
I am not sure what you mean when you say it has been dealt with by Nate. I would just like to again state I had no f6 made on me while I was on the server and was not asked for comment by any staff member. I agree though no point in doing a back and forward I would highly recommend demo requesting the both of us and you will see that this shooting was long before I insulted this guy.
you did give me more than 1 ticket yes

Jane seems to have only given you one ticket, are you sure you are not confusing it with another officer? This is the only ticket given to you;

Jane seems to have only given you one ticket, are you sure you are not confusing it with another officer? This is the only ticket given to you;

I do believe he gave me more than one?
He was patrolling with another officer for a significant amount of time before you
He was patrolling with another officer for a significant amount of time before you
I honestly think you have confused me with another officer I remember you accusing me of confiscating your gun in rp and me saying that it wasn't me. Just to make sure you know who I am my character is a white man named Mortimer Blackwell.
I was going through my clips and found a 5-minute clip of the RDM and lead-up to it. It is 5 minutes as I use Medal to record and I cap the shadowplay to 5 minutes. In this video you will see no harassment, name calling, etc and you will actually see I am incredibly reasonable with the guy.
Also if you check the clip at 1:23 he called out "9 toes" for a 10.1 charge which further shows that this guy was just trying to get me killed for some reason.
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