Action Request (bump1803)

Reaction score
It looks like he already had it in out in passive? Although it's a bit hard, I don't see any pulling animination? Please tell me if you see it and I don't
1719762071731.png Im guessing there was no pullout animation because he had his phone out, but he clearly didn't have a gun out.
@chopperr you can go in your demo and do this steps. it will show us what exactly the user was holding.

Making demos provide more information​

By default, once you’ve loaded up a demo you don’t get much information as names don’t always load and it can be hard to identify someone in a demo. However, TinySlayer has developed a LUA script that enables you to use ESP in demos to make it much easier to identify people. To install the ESP, you need to follow these instructions ( :

  1. Right click on this link and save it locally:
  2. Move the ESP.lua file to your garrysmod/lua folder
  3. Join the perpheads server before playing the demo, to make sure the models are loaded
  4. Play the demo
  5. Type this command into console: sv_allowcslua 1 ; lua_openscript_cl ESP.lua
link to the forum:

I have contacted the player over Steam and will give him a chance to comment on this.

I have attempted to contact the player without luck, bump1803 will recieve a 5-day ban for pulling out his gun during this situation.