Action Request (Colured ツ)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Ezza
Your Roleplay Name: Jonathon West
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:165899023

Player's Steam Name: Colured ツ
Player's Roleplay Name: Bruce Anton
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37078694

Why should this player be punished?: I feel this player maybe using some kind of aim assist, he 1 tapped me but was not visible at all, seems like a wallbang, this maybe a case i was totally outskilled, however i feel like its worth reporting as i find it very sus, also had a 2nd opinion on this and they thought it was sus aswell.

Im in the UK on 26 ping also, so this cannot be the issue here.

Evidence Link: /

AR Made due to no staff being online.
Weird - I could see your whole body. Might be your HZ? I run 244 HZ, but I am more happily to show my point of view.
Theres alot of things that could of happened here, Yes the clip looks fishy at first sight but so does most quick peaks. Only because your ping is 26 dose not mean his is. Also he has peakers advantage on you. I will also say this, If you think someone is cheating you shouldn't report it on the forums with a single clip. Even if the man is cheating he isn't going to be anymore. You should privately contact the staff team or make a forum dm with the admin/senior admin team. These are the best methods I have found for doing things like this. A public forum report is kinda just dumb to do.
As Jamie said, the tickrate on the server is so low stuff like this happens a lot. Best course of action is to gather as much evidence as possible and make private report to senior staff
if you watch it slowly you can see someone’s leg right before he shot , stuff like this happens a lot because of ping and just server connection in general

Not much else we can do when he's permabanned with no immediate chance of appeal regardless.
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