Ill try keep it short because I feel like im gonna get warned no matter what even though this entire situation is neither of our faults and is just a misunderstanding caused by the plpd not announcing themselves, Id like to just have an end to the situation and move on
My Perspective - Got raided multiple times throughout the day by this guys org, doorcamped, flamed, harassed. Gunshots went off so me and my friend ingame thought it was them raiding plus we heard the metal detector going off so within 30 seconds of the first ak gunshots going off my friend drops a gun and we both push down to counter at this point in time we are completely unaware of the situation of them breaking a friend out of a police car, I am fully aware you cannot counter or defend if police are at the scene however as you can even see in the clip the PLPD as per usual are incompetent all it would have taken was one siren, one announcement in chat or something from the multiple officers outside and online in the area and I wouldve walked back inside and not got involved. You can even see me in the clip walk down the stairs and look at him, identify that the gun he had was the gun me and my friend had heard them shoot because I did not want to shoot a random defender or a random player, I was fully under the impression I was following.
2.5 Excessive Negativity
When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry whilst entering, exiting or inside of the property that is being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.
This entire situation is a misunderstading and the plpds fault, they should of announced themselves especially the guy outside pointing his gun at the door clearly knowing someones coming down or even have a siren on so people inside know police are there. I am fully aware of the rules (ive been warned enough and have spoke to helpers ingame to clarify stuff i didnt previously understand)
I am sorry for shooting 6tens, I am happy to compensate him for the loss, I do not believe this situation needs to result in anything its just a series of unfortunate events and I can almost guarantee you that most players wouldve done the same in the situation I was in misunderstandings happen.
If you are going to warn me/ban me I am aware of how to deal with this in the future theres no need to explain. I will just sit inside and do nothing as theres no benefit.
I hope the attached screenshots i found from the day help you see that it was honestly just a misunderstanding. I apologise to the player affected. I fully believed I was acting within the rules, I can even get a recording of my demo and show you that I responded so fast to the initial gunshots that clearly my intent wasnt to just kill him for no valid and within the video he provided you can see there was literally no way I couldve been aware of the police.