Action Request (Dawn)

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Reaction score
Crota's throne world

Your Steam Name: SomeUser
Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935

Player's Steam Name: Dawn
Player's Roleplay Name: Ivy Teller
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:439410700

Why should this player be punished?: So during a situation I downed there friend, he died on scene, for around 1 min 30 seconds the person that i downed was dead on the floor so i took there gun, The person in question came back to grab there gun killing me and another officer in the process, I think they should have just left instead of staying on scene risking there life over a gun


Evidence Link:
Hello, we were first in Magree's tesla that got disabled by a TFU sniper. After he died, Charmunder and I ran towards the forest, but we were out of breath, so jumping over the fences took us some time. Then, we started running towards Regals because we own an apt there. On our way there, Ryan saw us and stopped for us, telling us to get in. He drove off to get away going towards subs off-ramp not knowing that that's where the shootout happened. I saw the medic taking DNA and I jumped out of the car gun-pointing him to stop him from taking it. That's when I saw the other cop and shot him. After that, I ran towards Magree's body to retrieve his gun cause I thought might as-well since we are here already and saw the other cop and killed him.

Our intention was never to go back to the scene. Ryan tried to help us escape, not knowing that it happened right next to us on the off-ramp.
Hi there

So I don't understand there was multiple different ways that you could have left, but you did not, The medic was of no consequence to you as you where in a different car as stated by yourself, I'm sure you would have told them to not go that direction, Causing a potential shootout looking for your friends gun when you knew medics where around, knowing full well that your friend died so that potentially PD got to them.1732234307678.png
as shown in this clip and backed up by logs I waited to your friend was fully dead which took about a min and a half before I convocated the gun, You had plenty of time to get into your friends car and go to a different location, thereby causing another shootout thereby not valuing your own life over a gun.

I have reviewed the logs from this situation, and it appears so, that @Dawn and @Charmunder Khan did in fact attempt to flee through stonehange, and were driving in another players vehicle during the time in between the attempt to flee and killing you @SomeUser.

Giving that, this wasn't what I would name "Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat".
Instead of looking for more combat they did in fact try to flee, and when noticed officers/medics collecting dna just decided to prevent them from doing so.
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