Action Request (DnChops)

Reaction score

@daZai Seeing that you are creating report at the end of your clip, wasn't the sitaution resolved in game?

@DnChops could you please explain your actions visible on the video?

@daZai Seeing that you are creating report at the end of your clip, wasn't the sitaution resolved in game?

@DnChops could you please explain your actions visible on the video?
there was 3 admins on but they did not respond to it and got off so I made an ar.
you broke 3.5 so i killed you. i tried to tell you hands up but my voice prox was on whisper so you couldnt hear it which was my bad. either way you broke 3.5. i gped you because i was going to make you unlock slums 4 door.
you broke 3.5 so i killed you. i tried to tell you hands up but my voice prox was on whisper so you couldnt hear it which was my bad. either way you broke 3.5. i gped you because i was going to make you unlock slums 4 door.
if you had kept your hands up and not broke rp by making a f6 mid rp you wouldve known my reason for the gp and i wouldnt have killed you
@DnChops Could you elaborate on how @daZai broke 3.5?

Furthermore, how did you know daZai owns slums 4, and why did you take his gun into your appartment?
he broke fearrp as i had him gunpoint and then he just stops moving and keeps his hands down. not sure if he broke fearrp thats up to you to decide but he 100% did break rp as he enters f6 and starts to make a report which led to me killing him as i was giving him voice commands which he hadnt responded to (i didnt know that he couldnt hear me but i still had him at gunpoint) .i take his gun into my apartment to prevent him or any third parties from entering the building, picking up the weapon and then countering. i did not store it or nothing like that i only moved it in a safe place to prevent third parties from taking it. i knew he owned or atleast had keys and was basing there in slums 4 as hes part of asda and we had previous conflict before the raid which had led us to knowing where they where basing. we had also raided them before which allowed us to recieve intel on who was inside, base layout, all a that
rewatched the clip and you could hear me it but my mic was just mad low cause of the whisper which is my bad again

While I agree that players should avoid writing F6 during roleplay interactions with others and only do it when their immediate attention is no longer required, In this instance I belive that it did not affect the situation. @daZai already surrendered, thus he did not pose threat anymore, and he got shot by @DnChops because he failed to follow orders which were inaudible from his point of view, and would still be inaudible if he were not typing the F6.

Furthermore, by taking @daZai's gun and locking it inside their appartment, @DnChops acted against the rule 5.1, as virtually he mugged him off his scar in slums staircase.

That being said, @DnChops current ban will be extended by additional 2 days on the basis of rules 2.5 Excessive Negativity and 5.1 Mugging.

I have your scar @daZai, please contact me in-game to retrieve it.