Action Request (dont know)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Astakos
Your Roleplay Name: Alejandro Rojas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857

Player's Community Name: @dont know
Player's Roleplay Name: henry lopez
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857 my steam id

Why should this player be punished?: So i was knocking on r5 telling its for medical check and then a guy comes from r4 saying its annoying to knock the door , i knock door someone shoots through the door and he gps me i put hands up i was clearly unarmed at that point and after i see a police car crossing the road i say i will call the cops , i dont see any point in executing me he said it was for snitching

Evidence Link:
He was harassing R5 for a little while, so I ask him to put his hands up to see if he has lockpicks, a gun, shit like that.
He then threatens to call the police for this, no idea why he'd say that, but he did.
i didnt raid u or anyone wasnt armed with any of the things u say i just knocked the door for 5 - 20 sec u should call the police there was no need to kill someone for that , and thats why i said i call police
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