Action Request (dwarvendragon)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: monk
Your Roleplay Name: William Benson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:178078039

Player's Steam Name: dwarvendragon
Player's Roleplay Name: Dill McFarly
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79652021

Why should this player be punished?: 3.18, storing guns while he's clearly being shot at, witnessed his friend die as well.

While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks/ATMs to avoid losing valuable items or money that the player is currently holding on their person. This also includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

Evidence Link:

@dwarvendragon, please explain your actions. You have 48 hours to respond
my bad i though you could store items in trunks, iv seen people do in raids all the i thought where i was being out of sight not seeing me i thought i could save the gun am i meant to carry it back to glass co if i want to save it or can i throw it in the back of the van still as a prop?

You can't store items in the middle of active situations. It breaks Rule 3.18 Storages and trunks:

"While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks/ATMs to avoid losing valuable items or money that the player is currently holding on their person. This also includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss."

You can pick up the gun and throw it somewhere, like in the back of the van, but even so, in this situation specifically that'd be way too risky just to save your friend's gun.

@dwarvendragon will be receiving a warning for 3.18.
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