Action Request (Eistee von Aldi)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Recruit (at the time, is now: Sweater Moretta)
Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Moretta
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:39959455

Player's Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi
Player's Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330

Why should this player be punished?:
2.5, Excessive Negativity.
2.1, Unrealistic Activity.
I was selling some cooked fish, along with some uncooked fish. The idea was to have a fish market set up providing as much as I could, so I had spent some of the morning fishing, and hand pretty much all of my stock out on the shop tables.

This player has walked into my store and spawned a small white stove, moving it around my shop, I had in the back of my head that, "Oh, he must be donating it to me because my stove must be bad", but had to go afk all of a sudden, only for a minute or so, as you can see on the demo. The player has spent this time using the stove to burn almost all of my stock.

I made an F6 and nothing was able to be done. I have no idea who he is, he had no reason to do that at all, I do not want a refund but I want something done about the behaviour, as it ruined my entire shop, and desire to carry on with it any longer.

I still have demos and can provide anything asked.

Evidence Link:
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This player doesn't have a forum account so I will attempt to reach out to them via discord.
I did to annoy you, because you mingegrabed Dylens weapons some days ago and then called me a loser and I thought it'a good revenge.

I hoped you get angry and start a argument and I can escalate into a fight.
I didn't think it would make you sad instead. Sorry about that, I will refund your stuff of course.

NPC value of the fish is like 5-6k. I was gonna buy the burned cod at shop price after KOing, but you removed it.
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As this is good level and intend on RP Im willing to help re-gather the fish so you will not be demotivated to keep on doing this sort of RP, It cheers everyone in bazaar up seeing people do these sort of things. So yeah least we can do is help you continue this :)
I did to annoy you

It worked, which is why I've made the report.
I have no idea who you, or "Dylen" are, I have no interest in money, it didn't make me "sad", it was annoying, purely malicious and is why I have reported it.

The only situation I have been involved in collecting a weapon after a shootout, I was killed at the end of, which may of been by you if its the same situation, which actually gives you less reason to carry it on since I have already died, by you, if its even the same situation.

As this is good level and intend on RP Im willing to help re-gather the fish so you will not be demotivated to keep on doing this sort of RP, It cheers everyone in bazaar up seeing people do these sort of things. So yeah least we can do is help you continue this :)
I appreciate this however it wont be necessary.
It worked, which is why I've made the report.
I have no idea who you, or "Dylen" are, I have no interest in money, it didn't make me "sad", it was annoying, purely malicious and is why I have reported it.

The only situation I have been involved in collecting a weapon after a shootout, I was killed at the end of, which may of been by you if its the same situation, which actually gives you less reason to carry it on since I have already died, by you, if its even the same situation.

I appreciate this however it wont be necessary.
Yes after you died arguing at gunpoint for 2minutes was the second argument, where you called me a loser "who cares too much about a video game" or something along those lines and only then I f6 so a staff member can explain you mingestoring weapons from a active shootout is stupid and not some perpheads lifehack for free guns.
And I told staff you can keep Dylen's gun, which was 11k craft price. Yet here you are a week later crying over 6k of fish.

I only mentioned it because you thought you were targeted by some random player you don't know in some mean way. As opposed to me, trying to start some bazaar beef in good humor.
I did to annoy you, because you mingegrabed Dylens weapons some days ago and then called me a loser and I thought it'a good revenge.

I hoped you get angry and start a argument and I can escalate into a fight.
So you did it as revenge for something he did a few days ago after you've died 20 times since?
So you burnt my fish because of a situation that you have confirmed I died at the end of, a week ago?
Edit: By die, I mean full on lose my life and respawn, I was not revived.

I never insulted you, if anything, you have by saying that I'm "sad", and:
crying over 6k of fish.
Which isn't really the point, the report is about the behavior, money is irrelevant, the free spins have blessed me since day 1.

I would recommend reporting me if you feel I have broken a rule, but the situation with the gun has already been handled, and I wasn't punished because nothing happened.

You are a random player, I don't know you, sorry.
You killed me one time, which is more of a reason to not carry on, since I've already died.
You can start "bazaar beef" without doing what you did.

I hoped you get angry and start a argument and I can escalate into a fight.
Which you can then shoot me for, which is exactly why I ignored you, because I see it 24/7 in Bazaar and knew exactly what you were trying to do.
Me interacting with you would have ruined my chance at a report.
So you did it as revenge for something he did a few days ago after you've died 20 times since?
I was entirely killed at the end of the "something" anyway, I had to respawn, was not revived, it was a new life.
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So you did it as revenge for something he did a few days ago after you've died 20 times since?
No it wasn't revenge in that way, I wanted to provoke a interaction, not for him to be upset about it and leave. I would have bought the burnt fish eventually.
Just to clarify I remained online for a significant part of the day, I just switched back to selling guns as I'd understandably lost interest in my fish market. The reported player logged off before I even made the F6 about it, which is how I got the name. There was never any follow up interaction or commutation whatsoever, he simply picked his stove up and walked away.
I think enough information from both sides has been provided to make a decision, I'll leave it at this.
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The reported player logged off before I even made the F6
I don't think I logged off for serveral hours after that. I don't see why you have to lie about it.
I wasn't punished because nothing happened.
You were let off because you were new and didn't know 3.18 and I said I don't want the weapon back so you got to keep it. You are welcome.
which is exactly why I ignored you, because I see it 24/7 in Bazaar and knew exactly what you were trying to do
Then why lie and say it was some random person you don't know, until I pull the clip, and say you have no idea why I would do it
I never insulted you
Why are you lying about calling me a "fat loser who cares too much about gmod" or something like that when I try explain you the rule
Me interacting with you would have ruined my chance at a report.
So you refused to rp with me to get a better report. Sorry I thought it could be some fun and we might squash the beef. Again I didnt mean to be malicious or make you upset in any way.
I don't think I logged off for serveral hours after that. I don't see why you have to lie about it.
You logged off, I was going to Molotov your shop if the admin in the F6 said it was an in-character thing; the admin couldn't do anything at the time because you logged off, which they told me themselves. I also brought your shop when you logged off too. Calling me a liar for this is incomprehensible.
You were let off because you were new and didn't know 3.18 and I said I don't want the weapon back so you got to keep it. You are welcome.
They can't punish me for not breaking a rule; I'm not new, I just have a clean record because I don't hassle people constantly.

Then why lie and say it was some random person you don't know, until I pull the clip, and say you have no idea why I would do it
You are a random person I don't know; I have had 1 interaction with you.
I said this in my first reply to this thread:
The only situation I have been involved in collecting a weapon after a shootout, I was killed at the end of, which may of been by you if its the same situation, which actually gives you less reason to carry it on since I have already died, by you, if its even the same situation.
That's how memory works, I clearly said I didn't know if it was the situation, you confirmed it was. Not even close to a lie.

Secondly, I had an idea of why you did it, which is why I made the report, and you confirmed that the reason you did it was because of something both of us have died since its happened.

Why are you lying about calling me a "fat loser who cares too much about gmod" or something like that when I try explain you the rule
Literally have no idea where this has come from; this would make sense if I didn't have 4k hours and play GMOD constantly, I would be insulting myself, wild accusation.
So you refused to rp with me to get a better report.
No, I was clarifying with the admin in the F6 if what you did was a rule break or not, and if I was able to retaliate, you were gone before the F6 was even halfway through.
I thought it could be some fun and we might squash the beef.
That's my point bro I don't know you and there is no "beef", the only time I have ever interacted with you, you shot me dead, the beef was over before it started. I even said:
I had in the back of my head that, "Oh, he must be donating it to me because my stove must be bad", but had to go afk all of a sudden
Wouldn't assume that with someone I had "beef" with, at all.

You could have just, I don't know, maybe not gone out of your way do to this to my store, and you wouldn't have to reap what you sow.
I'm not responding to this any further, being called a liar for getting my belongings destroyed doesn't make any sense, I will leave this for an admin and will respond to any further requests or questions from them.

This is about the fish and nothing more, no one cares about the gun.
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@ALDI GXNG used information from previous lives to attempt what I interpret as revenge on a player, which you both acknowledge to having no negative interaction within your current life at that time with, prior to the fish being burnt.

Rules broken:
2.1 - Player unrealistically placed a stove, an item too heavy to just drop and pick up to burn the fish from a distance without placing them on the stove.
2.5 - Player excessively effected @Moretta in a negative way by burning his fish without any valid reason.
3.5 - Player used information from a previous life to try and force and interaction out of @Moretta where he could try and cause him harm in revenge for actions in both their previous lives.
3.9 - User placed props on a property without permission from the owner/s.

@ALDI GXNG will receive a five day ban for his actions . The harsher punishing due to his warning yesterday for 2.5.

PS. Make a report about the mingegrabing.
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