Action Request (EmilErSej and SWAGduckiBOI360)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: ch0pper
Your Roleplay Name: Rob Kozuki
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:673396142

Player's Steam Name: EmilErSej and SWAGduckiBOI360
Player's Roleplay Name: Harry-Thompson Brown-Ebuyson and Bob Hansen-Ebuyson
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130713758 and STEAM_0:1:436709623

Why should this player be punished?: Harry-Thompson Brown-Ebuyson was crowbarring a wheel clamp that the Roadcrew worker had placed on what it seemed like his vehicle infront of the RC worker and actively punching the RC worker when he put the clamp back, the RC worker suggested that he pays 600$ and harry would get his vehicle back unclamped, harry refused and then thats when Bob Hansen started punching the RC worker too, and some other sweater had starting punching Bob because he was punching the RC and treating him disrespectfully.

Evidence Link:
i dont remember it is like a week ago i remember that the rc l laughed

im not sure but the rc maybe did push us

Give the Road Crew workers some respect.

@bobhansen: Will receive a warning for their actions (2.5 - Attacked a Road Crew worker because they refused to pay an unimpound fee)
@HarryThompson: Will not receive a punishment.
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