Action Request - Faisal (Erwin Rommel) and MachboosKWT (Tuna McSalmon)

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: </Samuel> / Samuel Sheppard

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Faisal / Erwin Rommel and MachboosKWT / Tuna McSalmon

His/Her SteamID:
STEAM_0:1:33143705 / STEAM_0:0:99483828

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Both officers shot me for no apparent reason, the first officer shot me for being near regals 5 that was a crime scene and the second officer shot me for an unknown reason.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Faisal (Erwin Rommel):

MachboosKWT (Tuna McSalmon):


Faisal (Erwin Rommel):
MachboosKWT (Tuna McSalmon): 46473
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Those officers clearly have no experience, or they're just trolling...
They shot you for absolutely no reason and grabbed objects that belonged to you, refusing to give them back.

I think they broke :
4.1 Follow the Law
By stealing your stuff and shooting you without any reason.

3.3 Realistic Actions and 2.1 Play Realistically

Because I have never saw an officer stealing a man's stuff or just shooting him I swear to god If I get a video of american cops shooting black people in the comments...

Clearly these guys broke some rules and should be punished for it.

Clear an big fat +support on this one.

Both officers clearly don't know how to play realistically and abide to the rules. Officer Rommel shot you for no apparent reason in Regals. You were not posing any sort of threat to him and as such he broke law 3.2, 4.4 and 9.5, which is an infringement of rule 4.1 and 2.5. In the second situation he stole you camera for about ..... correct, no reason. Doing this is breaking law 11.6, which again is a breakage of rule 4.1.
Tuna just broke law 4.4/9.5 by killing you for no reason at all and as such broke 4.1 and 2.5 aswell.
Last but not least I'd like to add that both officers broke 2.1, because what they did is not even -100% realistic.

describes both people very well.

Seeing as how both of them decided to pull a firearm, point it at you then proceed to willingly pull the trigger (in this case press mouse 1) both of them clearly show no competence and should be blacklisted, and depending on the moderator dealing with AR's this week it's up to him to issue the punishment of their choice.

Although you were armed, you weren't showing it publicly and nor were you trying to break into the property with force. You got on the ground under the officer's order, but he still started to shoot you like the utter minge he is.

I'm pretty sure none of them understand the difference between rules and laws, or know them at all for that matter.
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