Action Request (Hybrid , leyonis , ImKebab)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: StevieBeans
Your Roleplay Name: Stevie Beans
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61122202

Player's Steam Name: Hybrid , leyonis , ImKebab
Player's Roleplay Name: Abdul Dejesus, Daniel Shapiro, Berke Dejesus
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:434797686 STEAM_0:1:169319143 STEAM_0:0:464830279

Why should this player be punished?: the players started the mug by running me over while i was unarmed bringing my health all the way down to "youre going to die soon" this is not allowed also according to the mug map i am standing in a no mug zone if this is part of the highlighted area this need to be highlighted because the exact spot im at is not highlighted my friends died right before they ran me over do to a prop killing them all so what was lost was a ak47 a scar and a mossberg shotgun i want all of these back and i want whoever was driving the car warned/banned for how they initiated and all 3 warned or banned for mugging in a none highlighted zone please and thank you <3

Evidence Link:
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another thing id like to add if admins decide this was a valid mug zone the fact that the mug was initiated by rulebreaking with running me over with a car so i couldnt defend myself and nearly killing me all three should be responsible because even if one person ran me over the rest joined in by mugging me knowing a rule was just broken

Take a look at the following screenshot:

The green dot indicates where @StevieBeans was when he got out of his car. The white dot indicates where he was after being hit by the car and dragged further down the road. Neither of these dots are within the yellow or green areas and therefore are both not permitted mugging spots, but had he not been hit by the car then he would have been even further from the mugging zone.

To run someone over just to then rob them of their items is grossly excessive and a clear violation of 2.5. You had strength in numbers and were all armed to the teeth with weapons, there was no need to do that.

As for the guns that were stolen by the mugging party. Whilst the rest of your party may have died due to an accidental propkill, you shouldn't have been mucking around with props and with the way you forced the chair into the back of the car that was always going to happen. There is no rule against general theft in public locations, therefore said guns were taken fairly and will not be protected. Had you reported this mistake and staff had arrived prior to the guns being taken, some lenience may have been given, but roleplay must always continue and we are not prepared to pry those guns off of the muggers when they were taken fair and square.

As the value of the mugged items was below $5000, a refund request cannot be made.

In future situations we also urge everyone involved to refrain from discussing rules and out of character matters during roleplay and instead proceed to report it once the situation has concluded, as per rule 2.6.

@Hybrid will receive a 3 day ban for mugging in a pubic area
@ImKebab will receive a warning for mugging in a public area
Leyonis will receive a 5 day ban for running someone over in order to initiate a mug, then proceeding to mug them in a public area

Reviewed with @SamSN
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