Action Request (Hybrid)

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Google Chrome

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Google Chrome
Your Roleplay Name: Nuloa Kennedy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191086074

Player's Steam Name: Hybrid
Player's Roleplay Name: Daniel Shappiro
Player's SteamID: dont know

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4,2.1,3.15 - He was in pursuit of the police and when I tried stopping him while his car was not moving my car was in front of him. The user decided to ram into the vehicle causing it to get on top of it and also breaking gunpoint. Also, I do not know why the user initially evaded the police.

Evidence Link:
I couldn't even see the officer as the massive car was on top of me and I couldn't see the officer's gun. By the time I had heard the the officer's command I had already driven forward a considerable amount, enough for me to try drive off. It was never my intention to kidnap the TFU car but it just happened as I was trying to ram the car out the way. If I stopped driving to allow the vehicle to demount from me the officer would have catched up and I would have been screwed, so I kept driving away. Again, was never my intention to kidnap the TFU car; I can't possibly think you thought I did that on purpose?

Here's my POV:
I couldn't even see the officer as the massive car was on top of me and I couldn't see the officer's gun. By the time I had heard the the officer's command I had already driven forward a considerable amount, enough for me to try drive off. It was never my intention to kidnap the TFU car but it just happened as I was trying to ram the car out the way. If I stopped driving to allow the vehicle to demount from me the officer would have catched up and I would have been screwed, so I kept driving away. Again, was never my intention to kidnap the TFU car; I can't possibly think you thought I did that on purpose?

Here's my POV:
you still forgot to answer the question about your reason for causing such a huge evasion from police? I said to get out of the car instantly when I Got out of my car but due to server lagg it sounded late which shouldn't matter.
you still forgot to answer the question about your reason for causing such a huge evasion from police? I said to get out of the car instantly when I Got out of my car but due to server lagg it sounded late which shouldn't matter.
I don't need to tell you why I ran from police it doesn't make a difference. No you didn't say it instantly as you got out... clearly you said it as I was quite a distance away.

Please can you explain the initial reason for you evading Police? I'm satisfied you didn't break 3.4 by continuing to drive however, I just need to ensure your reason for evading is legitimate.

Please can you explain the initial reason for you evading Police? I'm satisfied you didn't break 3.4 by continuing to drive however, I just need to ensure your reason for evading is legitimate.
In all honesty I can't remember but I'll check my demo
From what I can see I ran after a RTU started chasing me at intersection for god knows what then when the pursuit concluded I'm arrested for 9.2? I don't exactly know why I ran to be fair, sorry.
And btw in the clip, you can see me outside of my car pointing my gun towards you which you should have reacted to as I could have just shot the car down quite easily but I chose not to.

The user will be issued a warning for breaking 3.4 and 3.15.

The user has been unable to provide a valid reason for evading Police which they therefore put their freedom at risk without proper justification. Furthermore, they have also collided with your vehicle without a valid reason.

In relation to the alleged gunpoint breakage, I'm satisfied that from their POV it's extremely difficult to see your gun and they probably wouldn't have noticed. Therefore, they will not be punished for this.
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