Action Request (idk)

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Reaction score
Ireland, Dublin
Your Steam Name: Kali
Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759

Player's Steam Name: Gagon
Player's Roleplay Name: Ling Chew
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:432069125

Why should this player be punished?: User gunpointed me at drug dealer whilst i had a firearm out causing a unnecessary shootout with me
You need to write at least 100 characters in your action requestYou need to write at least 100 characters in your action request

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It was dark as shit in my screen and i didn't see he had a gun, but if he coulda RPed his way out i would've had zero issues but he just turned a 360 and pulled his gun out and pointed it so i shot him because i got stressed. Im sorry i didn't notice your gun but we coulda sorted that out man ;(


@Mr. GentL. Although an accident, it is still your responsibility to make sure you are aware of the situation you are presenting yourself, it was broad daylight and the gun was clearly visible. For future situations, make sure that the person you are about to rob is not ready to defend themselves.

Since your record is really clean, I want to keep it that way, but keep in mind that future rule violations will most likely end up in visible punishments on your record.

@Kali your weapon has since been confiscated, feel free to make a RR.
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