Action Request (jackwilkinson250)

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Reaction score
Biettifeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Your Steam Name: Mohamed jalalibil
Your Roleplay Name: mohamed jalalibil
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:791941820

Player's Steam Name: jackwilkinson250
Player's Roleplay Name: roger cole,, fredrick elugzman, thomas heisenburg
Player's SteamID: unaware

Why should this player be punished?: it was a complete fail mug as they broke the rules of kidnapping and mugging im aware im banned but my ban is caused by someone elses illogical rule break and they also kidnapped and muggged me from a public premise. I was nowhere in a condition to be mugged as i wasnt even in a muggable area. Nor did they take efforts to even ensure action was made properly. These players for sure arent new and i would expect them to have basic knowlege on the rules if theyre going to HEAVILY impact thys rp immersion and ruin it by blatant ignorance and inefective precautions. I personally would say this is just reckless as there was no genuine need, reason etc to even do this and they were just being idiotic

Evidence Link:

The user who initiated the mug has been warned as a result, this was dealt with in-game.

Your firearm will be returned once you come back from your ban.

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