Action Request (kcs opinion)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: pain
Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Cornetto
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188957375

Player's Steam Name: kcs opinion
Player's Roleplay Name: Jaqavious sebastian
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456666500

Why should this player be punished?: the guy was sitting there acting "afk", then proceeds shoot me as i go to close the door. told him clearly to put his hands up. if he didn't act afk i would of easily been able to grab his stuff but sadly due to him shooting and dying, it brought the cops, and caused me to lose a mp9k with comp, red dot, 30 round mag. also meth

Evidence Link:
I was afk, I came back from getting a drink, turned around and saw him, I knew nobody in my org was online and this person wasn't allowed in, so, I open fired

@KcsOpinion being AFK does not grant you an exemption to complying with orders under gunpoint, particularly where you are AFK in a muggable zone or within your base. If you want to go AFK in the future, you should either: A) base with a gun in passive in your hands if you want to be able to resist, or B) AFK somewhere public in a non-muggable zone. As such you will be receiving a 2-day ban for 3.4 and 3.16.

@pain we reasonably believe you would have been able to leave the base with loot undetected by police had the user complied. As such you are eligible to make a Refund Request for your weapon.

Reviewed with @Collier
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