Action Request (LoneWolf)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: LoneWolf
Player's Roleplay Name: Michael Ricic
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:165434163

Why should this player be punished?: 2.5, user recklessly drove my car and crashed it at a time when little to no cops were on and realistically the only hypothesis I could imagine for explaining what caused his tiering of it was his own decision to recklessly drive with it on purpose or to knowingly get himself into a situation such as a raid or whatever knowing he very well will be putting himself in a situation where he has to get away recklessly.


Tier 1 - $14,000
Dirty - $2,000
Barely any fuel left - About $2,000 for refuel
Engine broken - $2,500 or $500 for roadcrew.

That's a total of $20,500 without RC or $18,500 with RC.

Evidence Link:

@LoneWolf I’m going to need the following demo file:
perpheads_demo_2023-4-1 06-57-20

You have 48 hours to provide it.

Upon reviewing the defendants demo, we witnessed several major rulebreaks. The user not only acted with 0 regard for the stolen vehicle, but everyone around them in this tirade.
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