Action Request (Mathiasdkguy)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: spitti-loki
Your Roleplay Name: helga alvarez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:860476558

Player's Steam Name: Mathiasdkguy
Player's Roleplay Name: Mathias Skovsen
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64425790

Why should this player be punished?: i was setting up my weapons on the table he kept coming standing on guns while im using the phys gun.. i asked him to stop as another player asked to see the prices and hes standing on them... i pick up a gun off my desk to add take it to add a reflex sight for an order and i didnt have the gun equipped as u turned around i see the same guy come from the atm area and kill me for nothing ( clip is from coomstains )

edit : he also left the server upon my buddys killing him and could not be reported via F6

Evidence Link:

user failed to respond to any attempt at contact and furthermore hasn’t returned since this incident, they will be subsequently banned for 2.5.