Action Request (N/A)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Nova
Your Roleplay Name: Wyatt Joe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:219240483

Player's Steam Name: N/A
Player's Roleplay Name: Johny Wock, Koby dethridge, and Jermone Valeska
Player's SteamID: N/A

Why should this player be punished?: All broke 3.4 after me and 2 other officers gunpointed them. When we were on chase, All 3 of them jumped out their car while we gun pointing them and they starting shooting upon us

Evidence Link:
Just a bit of further information; officers identified that the owner of the vehicle was warranted. The driver drove down the wrong side of the highway thus the use of force:

Johny Wock
Steam Name: Tontviggo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419731685
Forum Account: @Johny Wock
Koby Dethridge
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Forum Account: @Flushbung
Jerome Valeska
Steam Name: Will Smith
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:192965229
Forum Account: N/A

All three player broke several rules, the breakdown as follows.

@Johny Wock drove down the wrong side of the highway for no reason, upon being brought to a stop the player failed to comply under gunpoint, drawing his weapon while under GP from multiple officers resulting in his death.

Rules Broken
- Player failed to comply under GP, resulting in his death.
3.6 - Player failed to preserve his own life by drawing a weapon while under GP, resulting in his death.
3.22 - Player drove on the wrong side of the highway, failing to give justification for his actions upon request.

A TWO WEEK extension to his current ban of one week.


@Flushbung failed to comply under gunpoint after being knocked to the ground, resulting in his death after pulling a weapon in an attempt to kill officers.

Rules Broken
- Player failed to comply under GP, resulting in his death.
3.6 - Player failed to preserve his own life by drawing a weapon while under GP, resulting in his death.

After receiving NINE warnings or bans for 3.4 in his time on the server, player will receive a ban for TWO WEEKS for his actions as he has shown complete disregard for this rule.


Will Smith was in a unique position as he wasn't under direct GP until he started shooting as the officers were occupied with the other two, however, he knowingly pulled a weapon while in the presence of three officers who are shooting his friends, knowing he would die and not being in an advantageous position to fire from reasonable safety.

Rules Broken
- Player failed to preserve his own life by drawing a weapon while in the presence of three officers with weapons drawn, resulting in his death.

A WARNING for 3.6.
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