Action Request (no clue many people were involved)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Astakos
Your Roleplay Name: Alejandro Rojas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857

Player's Community Name: @no clue many people were involved
Player's Roleplay Name: no cluie many people were involved
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857 my steam id

Why should this player be punished?: So i was medic , there was raid in projex , as i saw armed people on the road to projex i left it cause it wasnt safe heading towards parker tunnel someone asked for help , i try to help then i realise he is trying to bate me so i ask for advise the cops and they tell me go away i try to loose him and he called friends they all try to ram me and end up shooting me and the car while i try to escape i think it was excessive and had nothing to do with raiding projex

Evidence Link: demo 25 k till 27k to find names and stuff


After reviewing all the evidence provided here, we have came to the conclusion to accept this AR. This is based on the fact that both members involved didn't respond to justify their actions here and that they were clearly unjust. There was no reason for yous to go out of your way to attempt to get the medic back to the scene of a crime which you had committed, then wreck his vehicle making yourselves a bigger target for other Police units to look out for. I suggest yous attempt to flee the area and hide next time rather than gaining more attention towards yourselves.

@Sugar 5 Will be banned for 1 day for the following:
3.4, 2.5 - User decided to wreck the Medics vehicle, attracting more attention to themselves rather than attempting to flee after committing serious crimes.

@Pogue Will recieve a warning for the following:
3.4 - User decided to ram the medics vehicle, attracting more Police attention to himself and his friends rather than fleeing the scene.

Reviewed with @A1L
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