Action Request (oʀɪɢamɪswaɴ)

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Reaction score
Saint-etienne, France
Your Steam Name: Remi1
Your Roleplay Name: Remi Gus
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:594114510

Player's Steam Name: oʀɪɢamɪswaɴ
Player's Roleplay Name: Giuseppe Barbato
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:507304847

Why should this player be punished?: This player was really disrespectful toward me and broke rule 1.1, I can understand that it was entirely my fault as a mayor if I didn't verify if the salary for firefighters had been put on max as I promised but even if I made a mistake I'm not sure he has right to call me " stupid cunt" who is a sexual insult and I feel offended, I will never treat anyone like this on the server if someone made a mistake. this member deserves to be punished according to his behavior, and from my perspective, it does not fit in the spirit of the server where being friendly and tolerant must be a priority I presume.
**01:25**------>>>>> "Come here stupid cunt "

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That phrase does not mean anything sexual in British other than the origin of the word.

This is also entirely in-character. You could maybe stretch to 4.1 but that would be unfair to punish a player for role playing a frustrated city employee.

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