Action Request on Clockwise

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Reaction score
United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Blackdown / Ethan Limsley
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Clockwise / John Redheart / @Abel Stone
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157769770
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - Clockwise raided my base and after following him in my car for a bit, I gave up as I didn't care much. 2 minutes later, he was circling my base while both myself and the sweater I was teaching inside were armed. This eventually lead to a shootout between us. In rule 3.4 you must do everything you can to stay alive, committing a crime and remaining in the area is not allowed. Explicitly in 3.4 it states, "Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat."
Evidence (Demo Required):
Ok, sure. Lets deal with this. Seems ultra petty to me but whatever. I was still out of energy when he finally came back to his base so I couldn't jump out the window just yet. When he finally arrived I finally gained the minimum amount of energy to jump out the window and when I did, I ran right back for my car and drove off. Right before I disappeared, I saw him with an assault rifle in his hands and even witnessed him following after me. It was a clear indication to me that the man wanted to kill me. So, to deal with this, instead of having him chase me around in a lambo and crash into me and inevitable have a lower chance of surviving (I actually don't believe I had a base going on just yet so going back to an apartment wasn't possible and even if I did I wanted to raid more and didn't need this man trying to kill me while I did that.), I decided I'd make things happen on my own terms so I can deal with him and be on my way. What ended up happening, from what I can tell, is we got into a shoot out near his base, he got shot up a lot and I guess didn't have bandages, and what seems to be the case since he doesn't have the rest of the video is that he got into his lambo and tried to speed off to hospital which ended in him getting into a car crash and losing all his weapons including whoever he crashed into. And theres my problem solved. No longer need to worry about a man trying to kill me.

Big ol' edit: I actually stopped the video before it ended so it's all in there, lol. Ignore that last bit.
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Maybe he did decide to give up and not chase after me at some point, but the fact that he was chasing me all around the map up until almost parker tunnel again was enough to show me he intended on killing me.

Edit: Also, let me be clear, while more combat ended up happening and HAD to happen for my survival because in my eyes and my point of view, he planned on killing me and it was seen while I was being chased around, more combat was NOT my intention. My intention was to stay alive and to stay alive I NEEDED to get into combat.
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I didn’t know that you had raided me, I didn’t even go inside my base until I got back and decided to leave you alone, only when you came back, driving around in circles did I decide that you were still a threat. I understand you wanting to kill me to prevent a further loss of life on your end, however I raise you the concept of a police shootout. When involved in a police shootout, you don’t drive back to the police department to kill respawning cops? No, you try and hide and prevent further shootouts which may lead to your death. Furthermore, it also breaks rule 2.5 excessive negativity to try and specifically kill me after raiding my base. You started the situation, if you die, it’s because of your own actions.
The first part is a lie. If you didn't know I had raided you, why did you take out your assault rifle from your trunk and then start chasing me around?
And the police shootout concept is absolutely true, however you were not a police officer and police didn't end up showing up (Because there was no police online but I could have been wrong and I couldn't assume there were no police). My intentions, once again, were to make sure I survived. This involved dealing with you since you showed clear signs of wanting to kill me.
Just one last thing I'd like to say. I commited a crime and was shown clear signs of threat by being followed around. You were not a police officer so I wouldn't NEED to go into hiding to stay alive. I didn't NEED to go into the woods and hide in a bush for an hour or something to survive when the more optimal and effective way of doing it would be to kill you. I raided you and you chased me around and since 3.4 is not a concept when you're in-character, you clearly 100% had intentions of killing me at some point so instead of having you walk up behind me and shoot me in the back of my head at a later point in time I dealt with the problem before it evolved into something bigger.

edit: It WOULD be 3.4 if I decided to stick around the entire time. There are people who commit that part of 3.4 and stay around to shoot a cop in the head who is DNAing but this isn't the case. I ran away, and come back because my survival was at stake. In the end, I survived.
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I’ll be honest, I put a house alarm on the property, so the case of police coming is not really valid especially since it should always be assumed that something will warrant a police response. (Don’t hang around because you risk cops coming and catching you). I understand that coming back to kill me is a good way to prevent you from dying, but you don’t kill unarmed raid members and they can remember you raided them. Similarly, if I intended to kill you, finding me later or even coming back around risks the fact that I might not be armed and pose no threat to you. Any player could theoretically kill you but you don’t go killing them to prevent that?
@Blackdown So you're telling me, following me around after I clearly raided you and 100% had a weapon on me wasn't a threat whatsoever? I get you put a house alarm on the property dude, and to that regard, I did leave the scene of the crime for a bit. The only reason I came back was to deal with you because my life was at stake and there were no cops in the vicinity at least not yet. So I had at least a bit of time to deal with you.
Idk dude, i'll leave it to an admin to deal with the situation now.

Edit: If there are any other questions or problems just add me on steam and message me. I don't visit the forums very much.

Second Edit: Also, stop lying in reports to make yourself look better. You put a house alarm on your base and you were notified of being raided on your phone and even saw me jumping out the window. Don't lie about "not knowing you raided me" during a report like that.
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@Abel Stone after raiding @Blackdown you should have left and done anything you could to leave, even if Blackdown was chasing you, you still made the conscious to come back to provoke the situation further after committing the crime. In future, after you commit a crime you should flee and hide out somewhere.

@Abel Stone will be receiving a warning for 3.4

Reviewed with @SpaceShots
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