Action Request on Nicky Mctickle.

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Reaction score
United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Blackdown / Ethan Limsley
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: CURRENTLY UNKNOWN / Nicky Mctickle
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was called to the front of the Police Department where a man was currently having medical issues. While loading the man up into my Ambulance to take him to the hospital, an Officer decided to tag along after I told him he couldn't take him to the interrogation room as he had to be taken to the hospital for further medical treatment. After arriving at the hospital I went to go get drugs for the man in need of medical attention. Once I returned, the man in need of medical assistance was attempting to escape, but was stopped by Nicky and myself. After which he said that he was dealing with a, "Private Situation," which sounded odd to me but the man was currently in a stable condition so I saw it to be fine. After which I heard gunshots, I opened the door and saw him with his gun drawn and claiming, "I'm sorry, I had too," after which he proceeded to shoot the man until he was dead and then moved towards me and shot me, again, shooting my until I was dead aswell. He then continued to disconnect from the server. This user has broken rules: 4.1; 2.1; 4.3; 4.4; and 6.5 and should be penalized with a punishment deemed acceptable by the attending staff member.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
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I will +Support this, he executed the medic (Blackdown) & the arrested male then disconnected as I was the Corporal responding at time, he left to avoid punishment and killing them for no reason, I personally believe he should be permanently blacklisted from PLPD and other government jobs as well as ban.

The user will be banned for 1 month, if he makes an apology it will be lowered to 1 week (So I know he actually wants to play)

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