Action Request (Pohana Spuzva)

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Reaction score
Metagaming in discord with the boys
Your Steam Name: Simon Bendetti
Your Roleplay Name: Simon Bendetti
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121982224

Player's Steam Name: Pohana Spuzva
Player's Roleplay Name: No clue
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128667985

Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 shot the player whilst standing completely unarmed and uninvolved with any situation

My friend was sitting in front of our owned regals 2 base not doing anything and was shot down with a polar bear in his hand.

I'm making this report for @Soap ( STEAM_0:1:88021688)because he doesn't know how to use demos or make forum reports.

Evidence Link:
stop acting innocent u were raiding w him, if i handt shot u u woudve took out the revolver and shot me drop the bullshit
simple as that
stop acting innocent u were raiding w him, if i handt shot u u woudve took out the revolver and shot me drop the bullshit
simple as that
From the video evidence provided @Soap was sitting outside our owned regals 2 with a polar bear in his hand not even moving around. There was also no gunshots which gave him no incentive to run, you opened fire on me (justified) then shot him below when he wasn't even helping me. I literally never even asked him in game if he wanted to raid. I just did it without his consent. You can't assume someone is doing something without some sort of visible hostile act.
stop acting innocent u were raiding w him, if i handt shot u u woudve took out the revolver and shot me drop the bullshit
simple as that
From the video evidence provided @Soap was sitting outside our owned regals 2 with a polar bear in his hand not even moving around. There was also no gunshots which gave him no incentive to run, you opened fire on me (justified) then shot him below when he wasn't even helping me. I literally never even asked him in game if he wanted to raid. I just did it without his consent. You can't assume someone is doing something without some sort of visible hostile act.
im not gonna wait for him to take his little revoler out and shoot me he was with you same as you would do if u see 2 red guys in front of ur door 1 lockpicking 1 holding a teddy bear ur killing them both so stop whining

The same way we expect raiders to interact with unarmed players inside a base we expect defenders to investigate and approach people before shooting them for the sole reason of being in the vicinity after a shootout erupts.

u were raiding w him, if i handt shot u u woudve took out the revolver and shot me drop
This is something that you assumed but had no concrete evidence pointing towards him being a raider.

@KruhNijeMlijeko will receive a warning for breaking rule 2.5 - Excessive Negativity

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