Action Request (Spitti-Loki)

Reaction score
Your Roleplay Name: Yaroslaw Abramovich
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:890835337

Player's Steam Name: Spitti-Loki
Player's Roleplay Name: Helga Mae-Mausi
Player's SteamID: Don't Know

Why should this player be punished?: The user kept playing with dead bodies as I told them not to tamper with it after some RDMER was killed by me. I cuffed them, they ran, got lockpicked out and when I chased them at gunpoint, Ran for probably 10 seconds, then stored a bunch of stuff in the storage before doing anything. I said "put your hands up" and gunpoint, but they just pointed and laughed at me. Then said "You really think I care?" "Youre mistaken". For as much as this guy seems to know the rules in game, I dont understand why they do this. They always call supervisor too for situations they know theyre wrong in. The supervisor said it's not tampering with evidence when you play around with the bodies but "tampering with evidence" is part of that law and I let the supervisor say it to me just to see how they would deal with it and I dont care but this helga person is always rude.

Evidence Link:
Only reason im making this AR is because I made a report when it happened but no one took the report. Guessing they were filled with a lot because they usually reply to me within an hour at most
@Spitti-Loki why did you continue tampering with the body after being told to stop?
i dont think thats the rule break... they refused to raise hands under gunpoint when i ordered them to at 4:30. Then in the interigation room tried arguing that this is not destruction of evidence which the new sergeant agreed with not knowing the full description of the law that says "tampering with evidence" is a part of this. I gave them two gunpoint orders to raise their hands, once at 4:15 and once around 4:30. the supervisor was really nice about the situation anyways. I explained to them what the full law is if you read it, and they agreed with me later on in the day.
i dont think thats the rule break... they refused to raise hands under gunpoint when i ordered them to at 4:30. Then in the interigation room tried arguing that this is not destruction of evidence which the new sergeant agreed with not knowing the full description of the law that says "tampering with evidence" is a part of this. I gave them two gunpoint orders to raise their hands, once at 4:15 and once around 4:30. the supervisor was really nice about the situation anyways. I explained to them what the full law is if you read it, and they agreed with me later on in the day.
I mean it is 3.4 risking their imprisonment if they had no reason to tamper and refused to stop leading to a potential prison sentence for not complying. There may be justification for moving the body hence the question asked. I don’t really need to ask why they didn’t surrender because that’s obvious to me already. Let me do my thing don’t backseat moderate.
Well as to why they were tampering with the body I dont know. The guy was just RDMING people in bazaar and then died, so I dont even know why they would do that
Talking about 3.4, whats up with all the people just staying in the area of gunshots watching lmao. I almost killed an innocent man because he wanted to be involved.
I mean it is 3.4 risking their imprisonment if they had no reason to tamper and refused to stop leading to a potential prison sentence for not complying. There may be justification for moving the body hence the question asked. I don’t really need to ask why they didn’t surrender because that’s obvious to me already. Let me do my thing don’t backseat moderate.
clearly a malicious AR do what you want with this, not even wortth my time with an answer, extend my ban, warn me, i really dont care for its outcome anyway ay this point i dont even play anymore and people still make pointless ARs
why didnt he make this 2 days ago when he saw me playing? dude clearly didnt care then but suddenly cares now, waste of time on a AR im already banned and have no plans to return, do what you want with this malicious joke its actually funny