Action Request (The Monolith Sandner)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Kenny
Your Roleplay Name: Kenny Agger
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29366462

Player's Steam Name: The Monolith Sandner
Player's Roleplay Name: Smith Carry
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13584348

Why should this player be punished?: I responded to a shootout which he was present with a gun visible he put his gun away and with my shotgun I ask him put his hands up he directly looks at me and runs away behind his tesla where he draws his weapon and shoot me. In doing so he Broke 3.4

Evidence Link:

@How do i quickscope? can you please explain your actions in this situation, can you also explain what you were doing at business parking with a weapon, were you involved in the situation?
@Kenny can you provide any more context to this situation? where was the shootout?
Hello there. I was involved in the situation as both of the gentleman on the ground decided to kill me on the spot here and there, however. after putting them down forever, Kenny showed up. Figured id take my chances getting shot whilst running equipping my gun, killing Kenny and saving my ass from a hefty jail sentence.

Situation ended with me getting released and receiving 0 years and 0 tickets.
The shootout was at Bazaar Next to business shop parking i just saw him there next to the dead body with a gun a out thats when i told him to put his hands up he clear saw me with my shotgun pointed at him and he ran to his telsa to pull out a gun
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