Action Request (Unknown, Unknown, Unknown)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: How do i quickscope?
Your Roleplay Name: Natalie Carry
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13584348

Player's Steam Name: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
Player's Roleplay Name: Bella Fox, Nick Nicksson, Jeffrey Stone
Player's SteamID:
Bella Fox - STEAM_0:0:131852500
Jeffery Stome - STEAM_0:1:567107843
Nick Nicksson - STEAM_0:1:56184113

Why should this player be punished?: Bella fox has managed to disconnect right after the mugging started as shown in the video.

Nick and Jeffrey failed to cooperate whilst under gunpoint under the rule 3.4 as we stated multiple times " Talk another word and youre dead " or in a similar matter. There is nothing really much to add, except I dont know the steam IDs and their steam names or forums account. ( Had to post my steam id in order for it to be posted )

Evidence Link:
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Bella Fox has already received a ban for their actions.

Jeffery Stome does not have a forum account so I will contact him on steam.

@Zork care to give your input on this?
Thanks for tagging me @Maia

Well, as seen in the clip we got rushed in on by Natalie and his friends when I was just about to leave my shop, I was forced back into the shop where I was yelled at and told commands such as "another word and I'll fucking kill you" or something along the lines of that, obviously in a stressful situation like this where Natalie was not only whispering but a lot of other sounds were being made around her it wasn't very easy for me to hear every single word, when I realised that I was being told to be quiet I was, my reaction to when my friend Jeffery was shot was... just that a reaction to him being shot, which is something I cannot help since the situation was not only stressful but also confusing as people were just running around back and forth.

In the end of the clip where I am seen being shot I could not once again hear what was being said since Jordi was mumbling and as I could see here afterwards he didn't even finish his sentence. I then made a random noise which was not intentional at all, I sometimes make these noises and I have friends who can vouch for it.

I don't want to start an argument about it but this whole situation is a big mess in my opinion, it was prolonged and to me it seemed like Natalie and his friends were just trying to get a reason to shoot my friends and I.
As far as Im concerned, in the clip you can see me switching from whisper to normal making sure you could hear me properly, you not listening to my orders and making sounds in order to get attention from the outside was not very strategic. If I wanted to get a reason to shoot you I would have killed you here and there for having such a peacefull conversation along with your friends whilst I told you to be quiet or get shot.

This is not the first time and I hope the last time you breaking 3.4.

Both of the users used audio problems as a reason why they failed to comply with orders but very honestly I do not believe that. In the video its pretty clear you were trying to provoke the person holding you at gunpoint and defying his orders.

Jeffery Stome (micbib) will receive a 3 day ban as he already has 4 warnings for 3.4 this year alone.

@Zork's current ban for 3.4 will be extended to 5 days
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