Action Request (Unsure)

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam Name: Clarky
Your Roleplay Name: Wong Unn
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44595797

Player's Steam Name: Unsure
Player's Roleplay Name: Nathan Kotze
Player's SteamID: Unsure

Why should this player be punished?: He prolonged a /me action and kept arguing, refusing to comply with the /me. He eventually did comply when his friends called him essentially called him an idiot for making a big deal out of it, had they not done this, he wouldn't of complied more than likely as he stated out loud so I feel like some sort of formal action needs to be taken here.

Evidence Link:
so what happen is im security for Boris casino and had a ak-47 out the officer told me to store it i told him i am security for the place he kept on talking over me i stored the weapon and asked him to leave it is a privet aria then he told me im acting like a dick and he want the weapon we argued for 5 min and i gave him the gun
so what happen is im security for Boris casino and had a ak-47 out the officer told me to store it i told him i am security for the place he kept on talking over me i stored the weapon and asked him to leave it is a privet aria then he told me im acting like a dick and he want the weapon we argued for 5 min and i gave him the gun
Clearly you're trying to leave out the guilty parts in your story because you know you are in the wrong for what you've done, so allow me to teach you something while this report is still open seeming there is video evidence anyways!:


Holding an AK-47 out in the Bazaar is a big no no under my officer's discretion and the law 7.3 as I have provided with a screenshot. I actually only initially asked you to store it and only store it, no ticket, no jail sentence, nothing - but you insisted on speaking back to me in a spiteful and rude manner which is why I then decided to myself that you were being a dick and not going to listen and learn from this so therefore, I decided to instead confiscate the gun alongside a fine for your actions. Moral of the story is don't be an ass towards people and you won't end up in such predicaments in the first place, but if you do decide to keep wanting to act all arrogant and ignorant then that is completely on you and you will be given the same treatment back in that retrospect.

Also, here is a video of you running your mouth and what led me to the point of making the decision of trying to get you to comply with a simple /me command you openly refused to comply to until your friends had to tell you to just comply:
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