Action Request (zNoah, FreeZY)

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Reaction score
Crota's throne world
Your Steam Name: SomeUser456
Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935

Player's Steam Name: zNoah, FreeZY
Player's Roleplay Name: Robert Toft, Kat Bobbingson
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:164701519, STEAM_0:1:503344080

Why should this player be punished?: Me and two others where hunting down the mayor, when we found him i GP'ed out the car - The first SS started too shoot, the second SS and the mayor stalled resulting in my arrest and me being shot and downed twice.

Evidence Link:
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@Nazeer it was my first as SS so i got quite confused and when they came and gunpointed us i couldnt hear them clearly so it took at bit before i realised. i did not mean to stall or make it difficult
Quite frankly dont buy that for 1 second as you went your not sure before getting out the car you know the rules and the rule is under gunpoint unless your in a brute you follow at all times, u see me kill one of your ss and continually gunpoint you and the mayor out the car which you failed too do
Im sorry im not sure what to tell you. I have been in trouble for 3.4 before so I am well aware of the rule of gunpoint. Im very new to Gmod in its entirety and perp is my first server. I am more than happy to refund whatever you guys lost. But
I did not hear you clearly through gmod therefore it was impossible for me to react to orders that i couldn't hear. Your clip doesn't even have your mic audio aswell? Plus the stall was not major and the Cops would have showed up fast either way since we were right behind pd.
Yea my voice was not in the clip quite frankly i hate my voice but thats nether hear or there, i had @phoondos on the phone and @Scoot in the car so they can attest that i did ask and i did tell you too get out the car both of you and it does not matter if it was quick or not you need too not stall next time


The users will not be punished for 3.4 as their decision to comply with gunpoint would've resulted in certain death beyond any reasonable doubt on their part.

They will however both receive a warning for rule 2.1 - Play Realistically. The server as of right now does not offer a feature where somebody could be shot through the window of a car and it essentially acts as a barrier for bullets, which obviously the two players used in their favor.

As for @Robert toft and @kat, next time when you encounter a situation like this; Make a decision whether to run or fight.

Reviewed with @Collier, @A1L and @Nazeer
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