Discussion post: https://perpheads.com/threads/add-new-ways-for-players-to-create-food.22851/
Main Idea: Add more ways a player could make food and add more foodstuffs.
Description: I'm sure all of you know how bad the current food system is. If I had to rate it from Utterly Shagged to Amazing I would rate Not Good Mate. It's not horrible but can deffinetly be worked on. The ONLY ways a player can roleplay selling food currently are:
A compleate overhaul of the cooking and food preparation system.
Flour could be sold by Freddy's bakery, eggs could be bought at the gas station or found at the hay house at farm (?) and the sugar could be sold by the pub NPC. It would be usefull if an NPC could added to puffer mart so players could buy groceries and remove it from the bank as a buyable house (noone uses it anyways but thats just an idea). Keep in mind these are just some of the recipies we could have.
The cake would be more expensive because it isnt meant as a food you would consume directly and could maybe be split into parts in the f1 menu.
Dough would require perception 1 and intelligence 1 to craft.
The cake, donut, fish and meat are just examples. More than just those should be added.
Burgers would be made more expensive or could be 'nerfed'.
Main Idea: Add more ways a player could make food and add more foodstuffs.
Description: I'm sure all of you know how bad the current food system is. If I had to rate it from Utterly Shagged to Amazing I would rate Not Good Mate. It's not horrible but can deffinetly be worked on. The ONLY ways a player can roleplay selling food currently are:
- Buying a bunch of items from Freddy's bakery and pretending they are kebabs, bratvurst.... Trapani Pasta
and selling them in your pre-bought business shop.
- Going to hicktown with a 2.2k fishing rod and catching a bunch of fish you could cook and sell in your pre-bought bazzar shop. Noone buys the fish because they replenish so little hunger they arent worth your while.
A compleate overhaul of the cooking and food preparation system.
- The stove now has 2 ways food are cooked, one for each type. Lets say youre trying to cook a raw cod of raw beef. You would place down a stove and put food ontop of it. This would make a sizzle sound while its cooking (adittion to current system). After a minute or two the food would be cooked and would replenish more hunger than burgers. This is to encourage players to buy playermade food for cheaper rather than letting players rely on burgers. Players dont even think about all of the different food they could roleplay eating.
- If a player would want to make a food like bread, cake or donut they would press f1 and go to mixutes, then to food. There they would craft dough out of flour and water. Then they would press e on the stove. This would open up a stove panel where they would be granted with 2 sides of the panel: one has the slots where you would add ingrediants to create a certain bakeable food and one has the food ingrediants in your inventory. You put in the dough and click 'bake' to make a loaf of bread. You would be kicked out of the stove panel and a coloured progress bar would appear on the stove stating the progress. Lets make an example for a donut, cake (how the recipie would look):
- Dougnut: Dough+milk+eggs+sugar in the panel and it makes a Dougnut which restores a lot of hunger
- Cake: flour+milk+egg+sugar in the panel which makes a delicious cake which would replenish a lot of hunger.
Flour could be sold by Freddy's bakery, eggs could be bought at the gas station or found at the hay house at farm (?) and the sugar could be sold by the pub NPC. It would be usefull if an NPC could added to puffer mart so players could buy groceries and remove it from the bank as a buyable house (noone uses it anyways but thats just an idea). Keep in mind these are just some of the recipies we could have.
- more roleplay oppurtunities would come to be
- Opens the playstyle for bakers and better restaurant owners.
- People stop buying only one food that actually matters right now - burgers
- People buy playermade foodstuffs because they are relatively cheaper than the burgers and replenish more hunger
- A tad complicated
The cake would be more expensive because it isnt meant as a food you would consume directly and could maybe be split into parts in the f1 menu.
Dough would require perception 1 and intelligence 1 to craft.
The cake, donut, fish and meat are just examples. More than just those should be added.
Burgers would be made more expensive or could be 'nerfed'.