PLPD Online Suggestion Add the 3 main divisions on top in the resources tab

Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
Suggestion Title: Add the 3 main divisions on top in the resources tab
Suggestion Description: So Patrol, RTU and TFU should be at the top, as they are the 3 main divisions, instead of needing to go lookong down the recourses page

Why should this be added?:

What negatives could this have?:
- dev time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: People not knowingthe recourses they need are
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I just don’t see the point in this it’s only a small page and doesn’t take long to find it will just be a waste of devs time to do this plus people can easily find the resources they look for if they actually look or can ask someone for the link
The PLPD resources section needs a revamp. The info is mostly there, but finding it is hard, as the location is unexpected or annoying to reach.

A search function is something very important that's missing from the site.
They were changed recently slightly where it is 2 divisions per line now instead of 1 and it is in order by Lines then OS Divisions and then PSD Divisions, it is simpler now than before