Addition of a rule related to HighSpeed Chases...

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Highspeed chases

Your version of the rule: Players may only get themselves involved in a highspeed chase if they have a valid RP reason to do so (E.G - Illegal Items in your inventory, need to get to a certain location as soon as possible).

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Currently, the majority of the server, including myself, hardly ever pull over for the police and the majority of those people do because they are bored etc. Basically adding this means that players won't randomly risk their lives over a simple warning/ticket.
As previously mentioned this already falls under other rules. More rules generally results in more confusion, whilst it would be nice to have this explicitly stated it doesn't take a vast amount of effort to apply 2.1 and 3.4 to the situation.
As @ArnoldGerkin and several others have pointed out, although not stated in black and white, starting a pursuit and/or breaking traffic laws for no beneficial reason is against the rules, 3.4 for example. So adding a whole new rule is unneeded.
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