Agent Green

Reaction score
in her grave
I don't normally make Reccommendations for players on this server, but one person has stood out in the forums/server more than anyone to me.
@Agent Green
Even though we don't talk much over Steam or In-Game, you've been helping me through quite a lot. You've helped me with bank robberies, hiding from the police, and a lot of wacky and/or stressful situations.
You are also a really kind person and try to defend people on the forums when people are trying to negatively affect them through insults and other harsh things.
You're a great RPer in the server, and aren't afraid to get in a scrap when needed, or defend the weaker/newer people of the server (When it isnt you attacking them, that is.)
You, really, are a very kind person and I feel that if you carry on your work you will end up helping the PERPHeads community mature a bit (Even though that probably will never happen)
Even though you do try and defend people through using their techniques against them, it works well and I hope people realise what you're doing on the forums and in the server, and it isn't just me.
Also, I'm reporting you for

2.9 Excessive Positivity
- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively positively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server or on the forums. For example, constantly throwing around positive ratings is not allowed, as you will have to be negative from time to time, due to the fact that that would make the forums and server look a lot less like a community with different kinds of people.

What I just did here is way too corny, and I want to be put down because of it.
@Shaun will be the emperor who will shove his sword into my stomach, and end my pathetic existance. It is my choice.


I agree that agent green is a really good roleplayer and a friendly person =) Sadly i don't see him playing as a officer that often however i do see him sometimes as an officer and he does great.