Another RR

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your in-game name: Bertie *TRADING*

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39724163

What do you need refunded: Fully loaded ak, 4 pots 10 cannabis seeds 10 coco seeds

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
Basically cops *apparently* got a call from someone saying I had drugs (they raided 4,3,2) they then told me to open the doors (I thought they were trying to raid, but resisted to shoot) so I was going to call the LT or use the text based service to check if they were really cops, but then somebody started shooting which clearly was downstairs but they then said it was my apartment. As soon as I heard C2 I started shooting to protect my items etc..


Tick: --Can upload full demo upon request-- (Got to find it)
:Basically cops *apparently* got a call from someone saying I had drugs (they raided 4,3,2) they then told me to open the doors (I thought they were trying to raid, but resisted to shoot) so I was going to call the LT or use the text based service to check if they were really cops"

Even tough cops were still around? i don't understand.

You refused to open the door, and had boarded windows, they heard shooting BUT had already cleared appartments, if you wouldve cooperated AND NOT SHOOT. They wouldn't had completely busted both inside doors if you just had your hands up.

you should have just talked to them, shooting them was your own fault. you shoudlve just came to the door and talk to them.EVEN IF THEY BREACHED THE DOORS: you shoudlve just had your gun on your back and got on your knees, to proof it was you. They were not allowed to search the property further AND IF THEY DID then an RR/AR Should've been made,

But due you shooting them i think it was completely justified to take your stuff.

As seen in the FAQ this is not a section to discuss rule infringement, see that the situation is dealt with in an Administrative section of the forums first:

''However, if you feel you have lost items in-game as a direct result of a rule infringement you should first see that the situation itself is dealt with (either via /report or on the action request section of the forums)''
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