Any idea when the image requester will be fixed?

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I have some images id like to use for my shot that would really pull it together and i was just curious if it would be fixed soon.
i havent seen any problem with the image approval system. if you mean when you try uploading an imago to a sign and it needing approval from staff? because if thats ehat you mean just ask in ooc or make an f6
What is wrong? It should be sent for approval without issues. Patience is key when waiting for staff approval.

Also, moving this to a different forum since this isn't the correct section for this subject.
i havent seen any problem with the image approval system. if you mean when you try uploading an imago to a sign and it needing approval from staff? because if thats ehat you mean just ask in ooc or make an f6
Realistically you should just wait and not make an F6 or message in OOC
I think what he's on about with this post is the last 3-4 days a lot of people (not sure if all) have been having issues with uploading images and getting this message when attempting to submit a valid imgur link. Best bet is just waiting and keep checking whenever you can to see if its been sorted.
i havent seen any problem with the image approval system. if you mean when you try uploading an imago to a sign and it needing approval from staff? because if thats ehat you mean just ask in ooc or make an f6
everyone in chat said it was broken in help chat and OOC.
I think what he's on about with this post is the last 3-4 days a lot of people (not sure if all) have been having issues with uploading images and getting this message when attempting to submit a valid imgur link. Best bet is just waiting and keep checking whenever you can to see if its been sorted.
this is exactly what i meant.