AR against Deckard Shaw

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Pusheen/Zoey Lockstus
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown at current time/Deckard Shaw
His/Her SteamID: Unknown at current time.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 , 3.1 - Deckard decided to drive away from a $2000 ticket for ramming a stationary vehicle, this was risking his freedom from imprisonment as he was risking up to 6 years in prison. His in character name is also identical to the character from Fast and Furious 7 :

Evidence (Demo Required): A demo is not needed, as everything relevant to the situation is in the video.
Tick: Video :
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After watching this video I'm going to support you on your action request, the reason for this is because he broke rule 3.4
He breaks rule 3.4 because he drove away from a ticket, he would have recieved a jail sentence for driving away from this situation, an example in rule 3.4 states;

A common example would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket; this would likely result in the enactment of an administrative punishment because this specific example is deemed to be inappropriate - this is because the risk (death/life-imprisonment) involved with the murder of a Police Officer is grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket, typically.


The player clearly broke 3.4 by driving away from a $2000 ticket. I mean yeah, a $2000 ticket isn't that nice to be honest, but it is way better than having a little visit to Paralakes jail. (*cough* dont drop the soap *cough*)
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