AR Against Wyxez

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ClockWise and my in-game is John Redheart
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Wyxez
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:645893
Why Should This Player Be Punished:For RDM. They claimed I stole a mushroom while they were planting in a public area so they shot me. Read chat after I died.
Evidence (Demo Required):
[DOUBLEPOST=1500708660,1500708418][/DOUBLEPOST]I lost my M1911 silenced and with a pistol scope from them doing this
[DOUBLEPOST=1500708835][/DOUBLEPOST]For some reason the video has no volume but bare with me.
When I arrived my friend told me you stole his drugs.
I asked him 3 more times there, and he replied each time that you did steal his drugs.

You lied each time that you didn't pick up the drugs.
If you watch the video, it's true, you didn't pick up the drugs, BECAUSE YOU EDITED THE VIDEO.
At 0:21, you can clearly see a small black screen, since you cut the frame when you picked the shroom up.
At 0:28, you can see the shroom isn't there even though my son Rakesh Sharma didn't pick it up.

Also, I made sure when I went there I saw no citizens nearby, and earlier I saw there weren't any cops online, so I knew that killing you there and being gone after 1 minute wasn't risky for me.

You literally thought you're smart when you edited the video so people won't see you picked up the drugs.
Post the full demo since I'm also 99% sure you're cheating, unrelated to the situation.
Can both of you please provide you full, unedited perspective of what happened within 24 hours. Demo files preferred.

FYI, Clockwise did not take the drugs.

@Aureatron, I would also like your perspective here.
@wyxez shall be receiving a warning.
2.1, 2.5 Shot another user in the face for stealing his mushroom that he had planted outside the electrical shop which is in public.

Reviewed by Myself, @GraveDinosaur and @Super_

Side note:
When I arrived my friend told me you stole his drugs.
Post the full demo since I'm also 99% sure you're cheating, unrelated to the situation.

I strongly suggest that you make separate action request, or bring it up with higher staff rather than making allegations.
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