AR Ashur

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This was done fast enough for them to not realise fast enough, we had 5 armed men or so, we did this due to you mugging me, @Brinch also handled the sit very well, i hid from cops once they drove by, we did this within 1-2 mins or so, and since i hid behind the van and the car we never got in trouble for it, i don't see what went wrong here, we waited for a clear space, and then a random cop drove by but didn't realise as we never got arrested nor killed for it
[DOUBLEPOST=1506320398,1506320281][/DOUBLEPOST]Also you stopped the demo when the officer drove by, although the officer actually kept driving further as he didn't realise, next time show a full demo, and not a halfway stopped demo
And they saw us mugging you noclipped and cloaked, as they were talking OOC, and keep in mind, i never iniciated the mug, you tried saying you died and talk your way out of it
I was the officer that drove by, i thought it was a normal traffic incident but then i saw the gun and pressed my panic button to alarm the other officers. The reason nothing was done to them was because all officers died in a shootout.
Well, that's not really my fault, the 3.4 was already dealth with by brinch so your comment wasn't really needed, but we also had 5 armed men total if im not mistaken, but we'll see
That wasn't my decision, you gonna have to ask @Fusions for that, but i think to mug him, as he did mug me earlier, and we wanted revenge.

Im gonna post this on Fusions behalf, we heard that you got mugged by him and we thought we would give you some help and be really nice to you. So we saw him told you to do the bits and get him in the car, and then he was mugged at the forest as well. We were not aware that he died, so that is completely irrelevant in this situation.

@Ashur did not see the police car, whilst doing this.

If he mugs people he deserves it back. Don't try put the punishment on other people @Ashur

@Fusions is innocent.

You got him in the car, you did everything. We just drove.
That wasn't my decision, you gonna have to ask @Fusions for that, but I think to mug him, as he did mug me earlier, and we wanted revenge.
Lmao, I just drove there, I'm not involved in what you did after that just because I drove him to forest doesn't mean instantly mug him. I was driving to a discrete location so that you could do your business. If Jimmy Gerrard did die and you knew that and you informed us knowing full well he died then you are liable to everything, not anyone else.
Lmao, I just drove there, I'm not involved in what you did after that just because I drove him to forest doesn't mean instantly mug him. I was driving to a discrete location so that you could do your business. If Jimmy Gerrard did die and you knew that and you informed us knowing full well he died then you are liable to everything, not anyone else.
You started the mug, could try and find the demon if really needed
I dunno who mugged tbh i cant really remember but that's out of the equation, we were gonna shoot you. But then you were in looc like 'I DIED I DIED SHOOT ME AND I WILL REPORT' so you got mugged, rip you
[DOUBLEPOST=1506461749,1506456322][/DOUBLEPOST]I feel my comment was a bit brief we did not kidnap him to mug him however when we went to kill him he said 'i died there's NLR you cant do that' so we mugged him. He mugged Ashur so why couldnt we do it back? he wanted his stuff back. The whole situation went all fucked when Jimmy said 'NLR'. I dont feel as if you could call it a 'kidnapping' more a revenge mug. I feel as is the 5.6 saying 'you cant kidnap with the sole intent to mug' only applies to it being as if their was a random person and you kidnap them just to gain there items in public.

We had all the right to mug him back. Of course he's gonna get a taste of his own medicine. Ashur's the one who got him in the car, i was just the one pointing guns and picking up items.
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