AR Jijah & dante redgrave

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: D3V / Gary Belinsky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: unknown/Dante Redgrave, jijah / eden willson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157769770, STEAM_0:0:78069553
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - Lied to an officer which lead to them being raided. I arrived on scene to a raid which had just finished, the owners of the building took the body out when requested and handed over a makrov claiming it was the weapon which had been used. After investigating and coming to the conclusion that it was not the weapon used they then decided to kill me instead of handing over the suspects weapon which lead to them then being raided by swat.
Evidence (Demo Required):
The video just shows that he killed me the situation will be in the logs as it was mostly in the chat.
Tick: N/A
You know, i had a feeling this would happen and i saved a video just for you guys on my prospective. First I'll explain why we shot and killed that officer.

That guy was not a raider. That was was in the resturant and was being friendly with everyone until he started disrespecting one of the people inside the resturant and was then shot and killed- not by me but by Eden Willson. He was unarmed. So, cops show up, guy asks for body, we take the body to him, he asks for a gun, we show him a makrov PM because we don't got anything else for the officer. Mind you, the officer was sitting there yelling at us about "THE RAIDER HAD A SHOTGUN THE RAIDER HAD A SHOTGUN" when he didn't even have anything whatsoever. Basically he's acting like he was there the entire time. Let me get back to the story now. So, he's asking for a shotgun, we all know this guy didn't have a shotgun, I figure I don't want to stall on this RP situation anymore (because there was some roleplay going on as well which you'll see in my video) so I pull a shotgun out and finish the cop off because we don't know what else to do. Mind you, the cop is supposedly DNA testing the guns like that's even allowed (far as I know it's not allowed but I only recently came back to the server).

So, let me give you the video of what happened. Be warned that the video cuts in part way into it because this dude only says minutes and minutes later "I'm making an AR". Also, the weapon "Seemed like it was wiped" This dude has a dna tester so in his world, if he could test the weapon, then if it's wiped he could tell if it's wiped just not who wiped it. That was to create confusion for the officer.

[DOUBLEPOST=1489586254,1489585895][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, that dude was going to go away for murder. So that was the only choice I had.
how am i part of the ar , i wasnt the 1 who shot you , you made this big scene for no reason
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